WD: engagement, high-ticket clients and keeping it simple

Jul 16, 2021 12:01 pm

Happy Friday !

Here's the weekly digest to take you through the heatwave predicted this weekend.

📈 On Monday I talked about vanity metrics (comments, likes, shares, etc.) and why we shouldn't rely on them to assess progress. I did a little experiment to find out how many people who read a Medium article actually interact with the LinkedIn post announcing it. The percentage was pretty low. I talked about it in this post.

📽 This week's YouTube video was inspired by a comment from a masterclass participant: "Alisa, you obviously sell high-ticket packages, what is your secret?" Their words got me thinking about high ticket coaching, what it means, what is different about high-paying clients and how to attract them to work with us. It ended up being quite a fun video to film and many people have resonated with it so far. Give it a watch.

📝 In my latest Medium article, I discuss the three essential things needed to start a coaching business. Yes, only three. No need to overcomplicate things when you're only just starting out. In fact, at the beginning of the article, I added a list of things you don't need (such as a website, business cards and more). You can read it here: Want to Start a Coaching Business? You Only Need 3 Things.

That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.

Until next time, stay savvy.

