Measuring progress in your business

Oct 12, 2021 8:16 pm


I'm delivering a business masterclass this week on productivity and making progress. We will be talking about how to manage time and workload, the difference between efficiency and effectiveness, strategic thinking, and goals.

We'll finish off with a discussion about what to do if you're not seeing the results you want to see or if your progress is slower than expected. If that's your case too - working your bum off but not making much progress - the first thing to do is ask yourself what might be behind it.

From my experience working with coaches, the reason is likely to be one or a combination of the following:

  • your coaching offer
  • a selling problem
  • not enough traffic
  • your business infrastructure

I wrote an article where I talk about these aspects in a bit more detail. You can read it for free here.

What progress are you making in your coaching business, ? And which of the above areas do you need to focus your energy on? Hit reply and let me know, I'll probably be able to make some helpful suggestions.

Take care,

