Are you having fun with your coaching business?
Jun 15, 2021 12:16 pm
Hey there !
I'm a big advocate of using fun as a measure of success. I'm not talking about amusement or entertainment necessarily, but rather the idea of enjoyment and mental pleasure.
I talk about this with my clients when we discuss the progress in their businesses. Most coaches start a business out of passion, yet they don't bring it into the mix when measuring success.
If running a coaching business feels like a grind, what is the point in doing it? I want to wake up every day feeling excited about my work and looking forward to whatever I have going on that day. When I'm not feeling this joy and it's been like this for a while, I know something needs to change.
Running a business is hard, but hard work and enjoyment are not mutually exclusive. When you enjoy your work, it doesn't even feel like work at all. Are you having fun in your business and if not, what needs to change?
Feel free to reply to this email and let me know. If you're in search of a solution to bring back joy into your coaching work, two heads are better than one and I'm happy to suggest things that have worked for me or my clients.
Until next time, stay savvy.