WD: social media etiquette and business favourites
Jun 04, 2021 12:31 pm
Happy Friday !
As you know, I am away this week enjoying the scenic coastline of Scotland. Nevertheless, I did prepare some content to keep the ball rolling while I was away - here's this week's digest.
📽 The May business favourites are here! Not a lot of things to share this month and I'm starting to think that perhaps filming these videos quarterly or every other month would make more sense. After all, I do tend to stick with a handful of tools and resources and use them consistently. Otherwise, they wouldn't be favourites. Let me know your preference as well.
📰 A while ago I received yet another LinkedIn DM from someone I have never met or spoken to before, inviting me to share their event with my audience. I'm not sure when spamming became a strategy, but I'm surprised people don't use their common sense when deciding to go down that route.
I wrote an article about it as part of my Dear Coach series on Medium and offered some suggestions for what to do instead. You can read it here: Our First Online Interaction — I Didn’t Imagine It Would Look like This.
A shorter WD this week , as you would expect, but hopefully just as useful. Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.
Until next time, stay savvy.