Cut out the fluff!
Mar 23, 2021 2:06 pm
I just wanted to write this email because, I think, you were essentially expecting it. Before I get into more details, basically I want to say one more thing about writing emails and how great they are and how you should perhaps try them and ask why you're not doing it yet?!?!?!
Are you confused/appalled already?
Don't worry, that wasn't me "talking". It was an exaggerated example of what I see on social media and what lands on my desk as an editor. Poor writing, cluttered with filler words and spelling or grammatical errors.
If you're a coach or business owner trying to attract paying clients, you need to pay attention to your content. I don't know about you, but bad writing puts me off, even if the content itself and the ideas a person expresses are good. I see it as a sign of negligence, of not caring enough about what is being put in front of me as a consumer.
I won't lecture you on grammar and spelling, but I'll share a few tips that can make a difference to your written content.
- Keep adverbs to a minimum: "essentially", "virtually", "crucially", "basically".
- Avoid filler words: "just", "very", "really", "literally".
- Eliminate doubting words: "I believe", "I think", "possibly", "sometimes", "perhaps".
- Stay away from cliches: "better safe than sorry", "a picture is worth more than a thousand words", "oldies but goldies".
- Avoid complicated words: "forbearance", "penurious", "tangential", "trite".
- Keep sentences and paragraphs short and mobile-friendly.
Try these suggestions next time you write a social media post, article, newsletter or email and see what a difference they make. Your arguments will be stronger and the reader will understand what you're trying to say quicker.
We all get attached to our writing. It's difficult to chop off half of something that took hours to put together. My advice is to let it sit for a while and come back to it with less emotion. Then go through it with the reader in mind and a red pen in hand and edit without mercy.
It will feel good - YOU will feel good. And so will I, for having shared this with you. Hit reply and let me know your thoughts. How are you finding content creation? Most of my clients struggle with it and find it a huge learning curve. I'd love to hear about your experience.
Take care and speak soon,