The biggest problem coaches struggle with

Jul 13, 2021 11:36 am


Let's get straight to the subject line of this email, I know you're curious. One would think the biggest problem coaches have is around pricing. After all, there is no official guidance around how much to charge as a coach and most coaches struggle with this.

Although pricing is an issue, there is an even bigger problem that precedes it - choosing a niche.

I know, I know. You've probably heard me (and others) talk about it numerous times. With the risk of repeating myself, I'm going to address this topic again. Why? Because even after working on their niche for a while and understanding the theory and principles behind it, coaches still have issues with it.

I see this all the time during the workshops and masterclasses I deliver. I get asked many questions about niching down and from the way they are phrased, I can tell that it remains an issue. I cannot stress this enough: choosing a niche and focusing on a particular segment of the market is crucial. Without it, your message will be too diluted and your coaching offer too vague to appeal to prospects.

Get the niche aspect of your coaching business nailed down and everything else will fall into place. If you're unsure where to begin, I have a couple of videos on the topic:

How to Find Your Niche for Coaches

Coaching Niche - Addressing Most Common Concerns

I hope you'll find them useful and if you need further help please get in touch.

Until next time, stay savvy.

