WD: running, celebration and mindset

Oct 02, 2020 1:57 pm


How was your week? Mine started with some technology problems, but I didn't let that stop me. Even with an entire day's work lost, I managed to catch up. To put it simply, it was a crazy week.

Nevertheless, I made a commitment to send you a weekly digest of all my content. Here it is.

On Monday I did my second ever 25-minute continuous run outside. I was never a runner, but that doesn't mean I couldn't at least try. I'm so glad I did, it has taught me a lesson on discipline and perseverance. Read about it here.

As you already know, I recently celebrated my 3-year business anniversary. I dedicated an entire YouTube video to talking about what I learned during these three years and where The Savvy Corner is headed.

It was too much information to put in an email - if you're curious, you can watch it by clicking here or the image below. There are some exciting things coming!


On Thursday I talked about your financial situation NOT being a reflection of your intelligence level. It's all about getting good at applying the theory, which takes practice, not a higher IQ. Read more here.

Today is world #SmileDay, so I ended the week on a positive note. Happiness is a choice and I aim to make that choice as often as I can. Curious about the grin on my face?

Enjoy this week’s content, and feel free to share it with other people if you think it might benefit them.

Until next time, stay savvy.

