Care to join me on Friday?
Jun 22, 2021 12:46 pm
Hey there
If we're connected on LinkedIn or you follow my Facebook page, you might have seen my post about doing a masterclass with the Association for Coaching this Friday. However, the algorithm has its own way of deciding who sees what. In case you missed it, here is what's happening:
- A one-day masterclass with me - “The Foundations of a Successful Coaching Business”
- We'll cover a wide range of topics essential to building a coaching business, including coaching niche and market niche, coaching offer, the selling process, strategic thinking and more.
- Schedule: Friday 25th June, between 10.00 - 16.00 (BST) with a one-hour lunch break
AC is offering this at a very reasonable price and the value you’ll get much exceeds the cost. There is still time to secure your spot. If you’d like more information or have any questions about the masterclass, please reply before Friday and let me know.
I hope to see you there.