WD: my next AC event, pitching and learning

May 28, 2021 12:31 pm


It's Friday again and you know what that means - here's the weekly digest to take you into the weekend. A long one if you live in the UK - any plans for the Bank Holiday?

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« A lot of people messaged me to say they missed my Association for Coaching workshop and asked if I'll do something similar soon. If you missed some of my previous emails and posts, the answer is yes! I'm doing a one-day masterclass with them on the 25th of June that is open to the public (and not just exclusive to members).

They started advertising it a couple of days ago and we've got quite a few sign-ups already, so make sure to book your spot if you want to join us. More details in this LinkedIn post, including a link to register and some of the feedback I received for my latest event with them.

πŸ“½ In this week's YouTube video I talked about what I do as a financial coach and business mentor for coaches and how I help my clients. As a member of my community you probably already know that, but if you want a short reminder or you're curious about how I changed the focus of my work and the difficulties I faced in the process, give it a watch.

πŸ“° This week I got my first article published in Better Marketing, a Medium publication with more than 126K followers. It's about pitching yourself and your work in one sentence and many people told me they love the title: I’ve Got 99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One.

Publishing with prestigious publications on Medium takes a bit of effort, but it's worth it. This piece is already performing very well in terms of views and it's sending a lot of traffic my way. It's also made a few dollars since publication, but I expect to see the full financial effect of it in June.

πŸ“° Speaking of Medium, I shared a second article this week about the importance of knowledge and my suggestions for areas to focus your attention on when it comes to learning and maintaining your knowledge as a coach. You can give it a read here: Successful Coaches Have One Thing in Common β€” They Never Stop Learning.

That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.

Until next time, stay savvy.

