Not taking things for granted

Aug 17, 2021 3:21 pm

Hey there !

I'm back from sunny Croatia where I had a lovely time! Not even the stomach bug I caught on the first day could dampen my enthusiasm. I don't think I realised how much I needed this holiday until I was actually there and quite frankly I feel like I could use some more time off.

I used to travel every couple of months and I took for granted the effect it had on my mental health and overall wellbeing. What I also took for granted was the hassle-free way of moving around before the pandemic - no tests, no forms to fill in, no extra precautions. Just pack and go.

This realisation made me reflect on the things I take for granted in my business. Having a laptop, internet connection, the ability to make my own schedule and work from anywhere, being my own boss, choosing the clients I work with and so much more.

If these things (the first two at least) were taken from me with no ability to replace them, I would have no online business. Since I'm not at the beginning of my coaching business journey anymore, I don't think about these things very often. I have goals and aspirations that stretch beyond my current situation and what I have now is a given.

However, there was a time when what I have now was on my vision board. I never want to forget those times. They keep me grounded and grateful.

What are you taking for granted in your business, ? Goals and aspirations are important, but acknowledging your progress so far is what will give you the motivation to strive for more.

Until next time, stay aware and keep humble.

