WD: saying NO and spilling all the beans

Jan 22, 2021 4:36 pm


I'm very excited today! Not only because it's Friday, but also because today is my first day out of self-isolation 🎉. I can finally get out of the house AND the sun is shining where I am. I might go for a walk, but not before I send you the weekly digest to take you into the weekend.

👩🏻 I started the week with a call to action post. It's important from time to time that we let our audience know how we can help them, especially if new connections have joined our network. Keep an eye out for next week's video where I will talk more about calls to action.

🎥 Since I mentioned video, I am finally back to my normal schedule of posting one new video per week. The latest one is on a topic that many people avoid or find very hard - saying NO. I received lots of positive feedback so far, so I'm sure you'll find it useful if saying NO is something you'd like to do more.

✍ My Medium activity is going well and I enjoy writing there more often. Spill all the beans is an article where I talk about offering free value to your audience and answer questions such as: should I hold some information back for my paid services and what if someone steals my ideas?

That's it for this week’s content, . I hope you enjoy it and feel free to share it with other people if you think it might benefit them.

Until next time, stay savvy.

