How does LinkedIn work in 2021
Oct 27, 2021 1:21 pm
If you use LinkedIn as your platform of choice, you might want to subscribe to The Curious AF Newsletter. It's written by Andy Foote and has some great insights when it comes to how LinkedIn works and what to (not) do on this platform to get more reach and visibility.
Algorithms change all the time and keeping up with all the changes can sometimes be overwhelming. What you think is good practice can quickly turn into outdated knowledge. This newsletter summarizes everything you need to be aware of to make sure your social media activity is worth the effort.
I hope you'll find this useful - I have to admit there were some things in there that surprised me. Let me know what you think.
Have a great rest of the week and I'll catch you soon. There will be no WD this week as I'm on a course and focusing all my energy on it. More details to follow.
Take care,