onboarding and offboarding coaching clients

Oct 12, 2022 10:11 am


Offering our clients a fantastic coaching experience is something all great coaches aim for. However, not many think about two crucial aspects: the beginning and the end of a coaching engagement.

In my latest podcast episode, I talk about the processes of onboarding new coaching clients and saying goodbye to existing ones. I mention:

❗ Why it’s essential to do proper onboarding and offboarding for each coaching client

4️⃣ The 4 reasons why we onboard/offboard coaching clients

6️⃣ The 6-step process of onboarding/offboarding

💡 My extra tips and resources, including some tools that I use to simplify these processes

The video recording of this episode was done in presentation style and it's available on my YouTube channel if you'd like to follow along with some visual cues. Here it is - click on the photo and it will take you to the video.


I hope you enjoy it and if you watch the video, let me know what you think about this format.

Until next time, stay savvy!

