WD: coaching with a full-time job and language
Jul 09, 2021 12:05 pm
Hey !
Are you looking forward to the weekend? I sure am. This week was a bit of a whirlwind and I look forward to reading a book while relaxing in my garden with a glass of something to keep me cool. While we both dream of that (I know you are too, admit it 😊), here is the weekly digest to carry you into the weekend.
👩🎓 All the graduations happening in Cambridge at the moment have reminded me of my own Cambridge graduation and the day I officially became a qualified coach. If you want to see a picture of me graduating and read my thoughts on the event, I shared both in this LinkedIn post.
📽 Most coaches I know, myself included, started their coaching businesses while being employed full time. Balancing a job and a side business while not losing yourself in the process can be challenging. In this week's YouTube video I share my tips and strategies for running a coaching business while working full time. Give it a watch.
🗣📝My most recent Medium article is another addition to the A-Z of a Successful Coaching Business series and it addresses the topic of language and how the words we use can influence us, our clients and our coaching businesses. You can read it here: Want Your Coaching Business to Flourish? Choose Your Words Carefully.
That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.
Until next time, stay savvy.