WD: flow states, time off and coaching income
Jun 11, 2021 12:01 pm
Hey there and happy Friday! Here's the weekly digest to take you into the weekend.
🌊 I've been experimenting with flow states lately and I like my findings so far. However, I am only just scratching the surface of flow and therefore I am always looking for recommendations and advice from people who use flow in their lives and businesses.
I asked for advice in this LinkedIn post and I'm also asking you here. If there are any books, articles, courses, or other resources about flow that you have particularly enjoyed please let me know.
📽 This week's YouTube video was about planning a break from your business and how I prepped for my 8-day holiday while still maintaining momentum in my business. Give it a watch if you're curious.
💰 As part of the Dear Coach advice column in my Medium publication, I answered a question about coaching income and why sometimes one's credentials and skills as a coach are not reflected in the money they make from coaching. Here is the full article: Being a Great Coach Doesn’t Mean You Will Make Money from Coaching.
That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.
Until next time, stay savvy.