The difference between price and value
May 25, 2021 12:11 pm
I was browsing through "The Rules of Wealth" by Richard Templar the other day and found myself smiling at the sight of rule 16 - know the difference between price and value.
Why was I smiling? Because I realised that is exactly what I tell my clients as well. The price of our coaching services is one thing and the perceived value (in the eyes of the client) of what we offer is something completely different.
So when pricing your services, make sure there is a price-value gap involved, i.e. what the client pays is a steal compared to the value they are getting.
Instead of lowering the price, increase the value!
It's a very different way of looking at your prices and a great strategy to justify (perhaps to yourself even?) why you charge what you charge.
I trust I have given you some food for thought here, but if this is a topic of interest to you, check out these two articles as well:
Let me know your thoughts about pricing (or anything else in relation to building a coaching business) and don't forget that I'm taking questions for the Dear Coach series on my Medium publication.
Take care and speak soon,