WD: demand, credibility and fearful thoughts

Mar 26, 2021 1:31 pm

Happy Friday ! The last Friday in March 😱, can you believe it? Here is the weekly digest to take you into the weekend.

📰 I started the week with an article about coaching demand and how to influence the demand for your coaching services. In it, I do a comparison between two coaches who appear to be offering the same services and highlight why one offer is better than the other. Give it a read.

📽 This week's YouTube video addresses the issue of building credibility as a new coach and being taken seriously. A bit of a chicken and egg dilemma - you need to be credible to get clients, but you need clients to gain experience, help them get results and become credible in the process. If you're curious about my take on this, you can watch the video here: How to Get Taken Seriously as a New Coach and Build Your Credibility.

📝Lately, I received a lot of positive comments about my writing, including responses from people in the community to the previous email I sent about cutting out the fluff and making your writing better. I'm very grateful and humbled by your words, thank you!

But here's the thing: my writing is not perfect and it will never be. Nothing ever is. I have doubts and negative thoughts sometimes, just like everyone else. I wrote more about it in this LinkedIn post and shared a link to an article that describes how I sometimes feel and why I keep on writing.

That's it for this week, . Feel free to share any of the above with other people if you think it might benefit them - or even better, invite them to join my email list via this link.

Until next time, stay savvy.

