an update on my book

Jul 06, 2022 8:46 am

Hey there

Last September, on my 4th business anniversary, I announced that I would be writing my first book and promised to keep you updated on the progress. A lot has happened since then, including a major hiccup which meant I am now writing a different book than the one I originally planned.

I made several mistakes with that first book, including not following my own advice and making it about me and my ego. Live and learn, as they say...and I've had to learn this lesson the hard way.

If you're interested in the progress I made so far, the mistakes I made, the lessons I learned and the topic of this new book, I invite you to check out my latest YouTube video where I reveal it all. You can do so by clicking here or on the image below.


Thank you for all the support so far and for continuing to keep me accountable. I received numerous messages from our community asking me about the book and I'm grateful for each and every one. You rock!

Take care and speak soon,

