Patience is a Gift. Over the last year and a bit, I've gone through a transformation. Both a physical and mental transformation that has helped me create the start of my best life. Some of you may remember me weighing 300lbs at the end of 2019 and in a very very negative mindset. The picture of me in Orange was at a ceremony for my job’s annual celebration. I had won the Bronze award for my department, a great achievement. I'll let you in on a little secret, this was only a month away from the mental break that was an accumulation of toxic mindset and self-hate over the years. In December of 2019, I started on anti-depression pills to see if they helped. Then 2020 happened and the burnout came quick. In February I took 2 months off to recharge my batteries. I was lucky to be able to find an amazing therapist that helped me create the tools I need to deal with the trials of life but also helped me forgive myself for my past hurt. It's been over a year now and I'm in a completely different place. Currently, I weigh about 220 and have a business that is booming. I've met some incredible people that have helped me either grow personally, in business or just been amazing friends. I wanted to write this to show you that anything is possible if you plan it out, set realistic goals, and be ready for a rollercoaster rode then you can do it too. I'm nowhere near done, I still have some fat around my belly that I want to get rid of but Eric Hui and his team are helping me take my training to the next level so I can have my Vin Desiel body! Working with Donnie Boivin to learning how to properly network to make the connections that can help grow my business is already paying off dividends! Then there is Lloyd J. Ross, who was the first person to invest in my skills as a Podcast Producer which kick-started my company and land more amazing clients that are helping grow the podcasting world! See first comment for more*
Enjoying a nice fresh @guinness at my favourite #pub @mcleanspub after a great day of #podcasting Looking forward to the announcements coming down the pipeline! Make sure to subscribe to @investinyourselfpod to hear them first! @podcasterphilbetter ~Invest In Yourself~
Massive Win!!!! Just finished a great call with the Money Mentor himself and awesome client @lloydjamesross letting him know in the 4 months we've been working together on his podcast he is already at 6469 podcast downloads and averaging 250 downloads an episode!! Also that he is sitting at number 10 in the @applepodcasts — Australia — How To — All-time How amazing is that! Next stop number 1 spot. If you have yet to listen to his podcast, which will help you change your money mindset, click the link to subscribe to his podcast! If you want help to get your podcast in the top 10 of your category send me a DM or comment below and I will happy to help you out! Phil Better ~Be Better, Be Phil Better~ ~Invest In Yourself~
When you have a #VC (virtual coffee) with an amazing #entrepreneur and they follow you on Instagram and blow up your phone with love! Thank you @billiondollargrowth you are a great person!!!
These are just some of the awesome people I've been able to meet producing podcasts!! Amazing time backstage and hearing these amazing people talk about their interest in sports is amazing!! More to com from your #PodcastMogul! @philbetterinc #investinyourself
Just had my #5G installed thanks to @pfizerinc ready to broadcast my #podcasts all over the world! #covidvacccine #getit #investinyourselfpod
Major Wins!! That moment when you capture the moment you tell your favourite #client @lloydjamesross that his #podcast Money Grows on Trees reach Number 3 on the @applepodcasts #charts in #australia These moments are the real motive behind me switching from just a #podcaster to being the #PodcastMogul of the World! The k you Lloyd for your #trust in me for handling your #poscast and helping you spread your lessons on planting #MoneyTrees for others! Phil Better ~Be Better, Be Phil Better~ ~Invest In Yourself~
~Being the Best You~ Seeing this post last Wednesday reminded me why I am creating a #podcasting production company. I want to be the person I wished was there for me when I started my first #podcast Now I can be there for my clients, who are crushing their podcast goals! The excitement they have when I share their download numbers and how well it is compared to my latest podcast, well let's say it reminds me of the reason why I started podcasting. They are always blown away by how good they are doing compared to a seasoned #podcaster. Whatever you are doing in your life remember to be the person you needed the most when you were younger! Phil Better ~Be Better, Be Phil Better~ ~Invest In Yourself~
In 3 days @lloydjamesross #podcast already has close to 200 downloads and on its way to a 100 downloads a day! Thank you to all that have downloaded his podcast, Money Grows on Trees, and here’s to making it to 200 downloads a day! Make sure to listen on your favourite choice to listen to podcasts and share it with your friends!! @podcasterphilbetter ~Be Better, Be Phil Better~ ~Invest In Yourself~
I just have 1 question really about this. Where the hell did he find Roses that freaking tall! They are like Sunflowers!!! I hope his partner appreciates them! Phil Better ~Invest In Yourself~
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