December challenge Day 1b.

Dec 03, 2020 12:49 am



How are you doing, how did your day go? I trust it went well, mine was amazing i would surely gist you one of these days. so how many of us did our task for today, dont lie oh God is looking at you( literal term). as for me i did mine, i spoke to my grandma,she was sad but i believe God is providing her solace in this time of her loss. hmmm it is well!

Moving forward we started our study of Luke today and it is time for us to discuss what we learnt from it. today's study would be a bit lengthy as chapter one has 80 chapters but yunno as God's endtime soldiers we move...

Chapter one starts with the dedication to theophilus and then moves to angel Gabriel predicting john's birth.

we read in verse 12 how zechariah saw angel Gabriel and was startled and overcame with fear, the angels response was for him to not be see how in verse 13-17, the message from angel Gabriel kept connecting togther to form a solid message in verse 17.

In verse 18 we read zechariah reply and it was full of doubt. honestly if i was the one i bet i would be in doubt too because the message just didn't fit earthly standard. To Zechariah he was just an old man and his wife was old too, conceiving a child didn't seem humanly possible but to God it was.

One thing i learnt here is, when God gives message or an instruction dont view it from the wordly perspective. see it from a place of faith only then would you be in alignment with that message or instruction. Read from verse 18-21 how he paid for doubting God, MY PEOPLE NO DEY DOUBT GOD OH, HE CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE.

From verse 26 we read how Angel Gabriel predicts Jesus birth. when i was reading this part i had internal questions oh (mbok please dont ask me what they were) i want to know though, Did you have questions when reading verse 26 - 38?

i was also in awe of Mary's boldness, i mean she asked questions and also obeyed instructions,thats a really admirable trait i want to imitate.

in verse 39 we read how she visits Elizabeth her cousin, the bible records that she set out and HURRIED. another version says "with HASTE" meaning she obeyed the instruction with no delay. How many of us reading this would obey GOD'S instruction with haste?

Something happened in verse 40 that struck me, the part when Mary enters Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the baby leaped inside of her and Elizabeth became filled with the holy spirit such that she exclaimed with a loud cry

" you are the most blessed of women, and your child will be blessed"

wow wow wow Amazing right?

Even Elizabeth was amazed, she couldn't understand what had happened and then her reply in verse 45 was everything.

" she who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the lord will be fulfilled". Glory Glory Glory. meaning for the message to be fulfilled you have to believe and have faith in God that he would fulfill it. so that means we should stop Doubting Him, Don't be like Zechariah!!.

In verse 46-55 we read about Mary's praise. she starts praising God she knows that what the Lord is about to do with her was mighty. praise is very essential with our relationship with God, Do you take out time to worship and praise him or are you team "Lord give me".

Verse 57 ushers in the Birth and Naming of John. did you read in verse 63 the wonder that happened, God proved to him and the people there that he was lord, how powerful is this. they are so AWED by God's wonder that they exclaim. the last part is Zechariah's prophecy, it is recorded that he was filled with the Holy spirit and began to prophecy. see you cannot read those prophecies and not burst into tongues.

The last verse says that the child grew up and became spiritually strong. God never disappoints!!

this brings us to the end of Day 1 study, we continue tomorrow with chapter 2. please and please if you know you didn't read today's own try and read chapter 2 before i send my study by 7pm. i am sorry today's mail is so long forgive me. i would be expecting your reply on what you learnt dont forget God loves you.

I love you dearly,

