December challenge Day 2

Dec 03, 2020 2:02 pm


Good morning

How was your night? Did you sleep well?

for me I slept like a baby *giggles*. Did you read our study last night? How did you feel reading it? I was exepecting feedbacks but I am yet to get any. Anyways I am still expectant 😁😁

so this task was supposed to be sent out by 7am but your girl overslept, please pardon me. It won’t happen again.

I am guessing you noticed the picture at the beginning of this mail, yes sending it was intentional because For today’s challenge we are focusing on friends. Hence the picture of me and a friend of mine.

The challenge for today is to call your friend/friends and make them smile. See you don’t have to spend money to do this, there are lots of other options. you could sing for them, tell them a joke, spend time worshipping and praising God with them etc. The deal is to leave them happy in their spirits .

Please please and please, I am not saying just call and say I called to say hi, No that’s not allowed. Call and get them happy and excited in their spirit. I know the Holy Spirit would guide you on how to go about this.

*subtle warning* please an acquaintance is not a friend,so that Being said be guided in your spirit who you call today. Every instruction given has its purpose.

Expect our study today by 7pm, we are studying chapter 2 today so get reading.

lots of Love

