Off-Market Deal: Amazon FBA Business For Sale

Jun 15, 2021 12:35 am


So, we had HUGE success with Mike Botkin's opportunity. Turns out this community is super helpful and also very awesome.

Hopefully, I will be able to announce how Mike's deal works out. He's in the early stages, but looking very promising

I figure you might be interested in an acquisition that you might have to operate or fold into your portfolio.

FBA Brand:

  1. Trademarked brand in the houseplant space (applying for brand protection)
  2. 18m old
  3. Gross 600k & 5-6k per month in profit
  4. Seller looking for 3.5-4x profit + inventory (100k)

If you are interested, hit reply and let me know. I'll put you in touch with him.

Pressing On!


PS I'm deep in Due Diligence and Loan underwriting for a Plumbing/HVAC company. Been a ride, but will have to update you later!
