{{contact.first_name}}, your September 10 issue of The Dirt is live! Free def galore!

Sep 10, 2020 6:01 pm



Congrats to both Liam AND Tommy for winning the Pun for the Mug Contest. Somehow, both jokes finished with an equal amount of votes. I’m sensing a little collusion here. I guess I could have colluded in return and cast a vote myself to decide the real winner. But seeing as how Tim’s was my favorite, that wouldn’t have done much good. So, I did the civil and declared them both winners. Yay for me and my wallet. My wife is pleased as punch.

Mugs are on the way, boys. Better luck next time, Tim. I’m pulling for ya. And thanks to everyone who took a moment to submit a joke. Laughter really is the best medicine in times like these. Speaking of… 


New design for an upcoming project. You like?


In other news, The Dirt hit five hundred subscribers… then six hundred a few days later, and by the time this hits your inboxes that number will be on it’s way to seven hundred. Thanks for sticking with me while I go through this author journey. I was trying to figure out something nice that I could do for all of you, so I went and made Slab Steele and the Venusian Exchange FREE starting today. It will remain free through Monday, September 14.



Click the link, get your copy, and tell your friends about it. Let’s see if we can get this thing in the top 10 on the free list for some obscure category, eh? That would be swell. That would make Ron happy.

And please, leave a review or rating if you’re the review or rating leaving type. Every one helps.


On to the next giveaway! Like I mentioned last time, I’m giving away a complete series in honor of my favorite season of the year: Fall. With the cooler weather comes more time spent indoors, which means more time to read! Oh, which series you ask? Why, Scott Baron's Dragon Mage Series! That’s right, the lucky winner will get Kindle copies of nine books in total: Bad Luck Charlie, Space Pirate Charlie, Dragon King Charlie, Magic Man Charlie, Star Fighter Charlie, Portal Thief Charlie, Rebel Mage Charlie, Warp Speed Charlie, and Checkmate Charlie.

I absolutely love this series. It's such a fantastical blend of science and fantasy that keeps you on your toes and invested from the very first word to the very last. Plus, Scott is a really cool dude that has shared a lot of his sage-like advice with me.


You can increase your chances to win and earn more entries by sharing on social media, liking my SpaceBook page, following me on Instagram, and even by sending a lame joke to my boomer mom. She hates lame jokes by the way. Let’s get her really mad at me.


The promo section. Your favorite flaring section. I know what you’re really here for--the free stuff--and soldammit do I try to give it to you every two weeks. Do your thing people. Click like your life depends on it! 


Free Reads: Sci-Fi and Fantasy


Sci-Fi and Fantasy Bargains

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Giveaway 

Of Futures Near and Far, Far Away

FREEBIE OF THE FORTNIGHT: Rubble by Robbie Ballew

Stranded in Space... Limited Oxygen... No Power... And Space-Fish?


A starfighter pilot finds himself stranded in the aftermath of a massive battle after surviving a blast from a proton torpedo. 

In his life-or-death scramble to repair his ship and return home, he discovers a colony of space-dwelling fish whose asteroid was destroyed in the chaos. 

He is ultimately able to find hope for his own desperate situation by doing a good deed for these innocent creatures who once called this place home.

READ OF THE FORTNIGHT: Infatuation by Jonathan Harries

Don’t miss this outrageous, laugh-out-loud, magical story of lust, love, and destiny.


Seriously bruhs. If you have a sense of humor of a… questionable taste—like me, this book is the thing for you. The book blurb alone had me in stitches. I don’t want to spoil anything, but do yourself a favor and click the damn link. Solid gold right here. It’s on Kindle Unlimited too, so flip through a few pages and give it a chance.

Edit at 6:11 am EST: I took a look this morning and it looks like this one is FREE, too. At least for today, so don't wait!

Until next time.





Haven’t got your copy of Slab Steele and the Venusian Exchange yet? What are you waiting for? Available now on Amazon and Audible.

Itching for more Slab Steele? You can preorder Slab Steele and the Outer Rim Job today.
