{{contact.first_name}}, The Dirt is Live! Free Slab Steele Edition!
Mar 11, 2021 7:01 pm
Hey there, Steeleheads. Hope all is well in your corner of the world. I have a couple pieces of big news to share this issue. First and foremost, I was lucky enough to get round one of the vaccine the other day. I know there are a few skeptics out there, but before you get too worried about me rest assured that I still have all fifteen fingers and all fifteen toes. Plus, the extra arm is mighty handy. I’m a prime example of Moderna man. Joking aside, I feel pretty good. My only symptom was some soreness in my (actual) arm. Fingers (ten) crossed that round two goes just as smooth. My second piece of news is that the kindle version of Slab Steele and the Venusian Exchange will be free from March 11 through March 13. More on that below.
Now, since I got such a wonderful response you fine people about my cabin trip, another day in the life of Ron Starke! This issue’s victim? The AirZoo!
We have a pretty nice private aerospace museum here in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It’s funny, but you tend to forget about the cool things you have around you. But on one chilly Sunday afternoon in February, my oldest son and I braved the Midwest cold--and the virus--to go check out some sweet aerospace def. My goal: get him away from screens for a few hours. His goal: talk dad into buying something from the gift shop. So here’s a few photos from our filial bonding session along with a little commentary.
The crown jewel of the AirZoo - the only remaining SR-71B.
(gift shop eager six year old for scale)
Sleek Lines
NASA, Bruh
Getting ready to check out the Androids and Aliens exhibit.
(slightly annoyed six year old for scale)
Space deffer and space urinal. My favorite.
Gemini Trainer Capsule
Okay, confession time. This is the real reason we went to the AirZoo. They recently got a F-117 Stealth Fighter and dad was itching to go see it. As you can see, Uncle Sam pulled all the black, stealthy bits from it before they handed it over to the civilian folk.
Without the forklift in the way.
A peek at her slender caboose.
Belly of the beast.
And last but not least, a Saturn V rocket motor.
(now thoroughly annoyed six year old for scale)
Yes, we did go to the gift shop. Speaking of gifts...
Like I told you at the top, the first book in my Worlds of Craterball series will be free from March 11 through March 13. Pick up a copy of Slab Steele and the Venusian Exchange if you haven’t. If you have, do me a favor and tell your friends about it, eh? Tweet, post, or even have one of the old fashioned conversations or something. Flare, pick up your phone and tell your Gran about it. I'm sure she'll hate the craterloving crap out of it.
Keep your eyes on your inbox, because I just might have a pretty sweet deal on the sequel in the next issue.
I’m tired and I’m out of funny stuff to say. Click a link, bruh.
March 2021 Giveaway
Out of This World Giveaways
Readsy Deals Giveaway
Spring Sci-Fi and Fantasy Giveaway
(A Different) Spring Sci-Fi and Fantasy Giveaway
Lucifer on Leave
by Robert Lee Johnston
A deal has been struck.
The twenty-first century has a visitor. He visits earth for one year each century.
On arrival, he is stripped of his power. The devil is one of us, among us.
Living down under.
Lucifer is on leave. And he's here, in Australia.
* * *
The Death of Planet 86
by LC Mortimer
Her planet is in danger, and she's the only one who can save it.
A girl walks into an alien bar, and the bartender says, "One more week until Planet 86 is gone."
Wait a minute, that's not how that joke is supposed to go. Unfortunately, it's exactly the way my life is going.
by Jay Toney
A not so serious space adventure
Captain Roberts and his crew are at the end of their resources. If he doesn't make the next tax payment, he will lose the starship and maybe his life. The Alliance military is watching him, making sure that he doesn't escape. The next time the Alliance boards his ship will be his last time.
Now, it is up to Captain Roberts to restore his family wealth and get revenge against the Alliance for what they did to his friends and family.
If it’s not too much trouble, please take a moment to leave a review or rating of my work at one of the links below. Hearing a few nice words, seeing a new rating pop up, or finding out that someone actually got a laugh out of one of my stupid jokes makes me glow like I’ve been lit with the fires of Sol. Plus, in a world obsessed with stars and algorithms, every little bit of exposure helps.
Slab Steele and the Venusian Exchange
Slab Steele and the Outer Rim Job
"Don't cut my face."
(Is anybody keeping track of these? I feel like I've use this one already)
Haven’t got your copy of Slab Steele and the Venusian Exchange yet? What are you waiting for? Available now on Amazon and Audible.
Itching for more Slab Steele? You can buy the sequel, Slab Steele and the Outer Rim Job, today.