The Dirt - June 30, 2020

Jul 01, 2020 7:25 am


Hey there, bruhs! Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Dirt, your inside scoop to the action behind the scenes in the Worlds of Craterball. I’m assuming all you crazy flarers picked up your copy of The Mercurian Endeavor by now, and I hope a few of you even took a few moments to read the stupid thing. If--Sol forbid--you even happened to enjoy it, here’s your reminder that the adventures of Chet and Whizz continue in Slab Steele and the Venusian Exchange. I’d like to toss a special shout out to the one guy or gal or other who is reading it on Kindle Unlimited right now. You’re cool, you!

By the way, I’m hard at work on the next installment in the series. I think I’m gonna call it Slab Steele and the Outer Rim Job. Hit me up on SpaceBook and tell me how much you like the title. I think it’s pretty flaring awesome. My wife? Not so much.


Speaking of Slab Steele, the audiobook version went live on June 18. It’s narrated by the ever amazing Matthew Broadhead (Bathrobe Knight, The Crafting of Chess), a man with comedic timing so perfect he was able to take my silly story and actually make it funny. Seriously folks, he did a bang up job. The reception so far has been stellar. Bad Luck Charlie author Scott Baron called it, "a rollicking fun space adventure that has its tongue firmly in cheek."

Sorry Americanadians, I’m flat out of US promo codes. But I actually have quite a few UK ones left. If interested, shoot an email to along with a link to your Audible Listener page. Completely subjective bonus points will be awarded if you include a pun or one liner. Ron like pun. Pun is life.


Still with me? Whew! Okay, so this is where I’m going to park all the cool promotional stuff that you probably already know about. I mean, how else did you find me? But,if you’re looking for something new to read check out the link below. I highly recommend Scott Baron's Dragon Mage series.

StoryOrigin Summer Sci-Fi and Fantasy Giveaway

Bad Luck Charlie, The Dragon Mage: Book 1 by Scott Baron

See? That wasn’t so hard. Anyway, until next time!

-Ron Starke-

P.s. I have several prepaid Amazon codes available if anyone is interested in reading or reviewing the ebook version of Slab Steele. Shoot me an email if that’s you. Okay, bruh?
