What's the craziest thing your kid has ever done?

Nov 05, 2020 7:31 pm


Howdy y'all!

First things first, before I forget - my girl Julia Wolf has a new release out today and you KNOW she's a one-click author for me. There's a link to her new book Dissonance and my boy Jacob Chance's new release Manfax we well as a bunch of freebies, below - don't miss out on the recommended section this week. It's H.O.T!

Next up, I wanna hear all about the crazy stuff your kids have gotten up to over the years. Y'know what I'm talking about. Shouting about you pooping in the bathroom of Target (my son did this one), telling strangers that you've done x, y and z, smearing poop all over the bed/walls (my niece did this one!) - I want to hear them all.

Are you the fun parent? I'm not the fun parent. I'm the disciplinarian. I'm the tough one. I'm the one who makes sure the homework is done, the veggies are eaten and the room is tidied. Dad is the fun guy. He plays the fun games, sneaks treats, thwarts bed time and he's the soft touch. In truth, I don't always enjoy being the bad cop, but I know at the end of the day my son loves me in a very special way and he knows I've got his back, always.

So... this happened:


My six-year-old, who has never drawn on anything other than paper from the moment he could hold a crayon, colored on the carpet AND furniture with a crayon-marker. He tried to clean it (there was a towel cast aside nearby), he tried to say he 'accidentally dropped the pen' and when he finally confessed to attempting a new canvas for his art, he had no earthly reason as to why he did it.

I didn't scream or shout (I momentarily raised my voice in a WTF IS THIS? kinda deal) I didn't have to. He cried in my arms for a solid hour, he beat himself up and feels terrible about it and in a way that makes me feel so freakin' proud of him and reassures me that I'm not completely terrible at this being a mom thing. He offered to do whatever he could to help, he's said sorry about 35,000 times since it happened, he tried to clean it up himself and he attempted to suggest some potential punishments for himself (none of which included taking away his beloved Pokemon TV show, or YouTuber's playing Minecraft, but they also weren't awful suggestions, either).

Later that night he got up to go potty, and I asked him to come give me a hug. He climbed into my lap and promptly fell asleep mumbling about how he loved me to the moon and back.

My heart exploded.


My carpet is clean, his room is tidy, he hasn't played Kitty (Roblox game) or watched Pokemon in almost twenty-four hours and he hasn't asked for them, either. My heart is full. Sometimes kids just do the strangest things, but also sometimes, they react in ways we never expect them to. 2020 has been tough on my little guy (I contemplated a child psychologist during our first lockdown and will be keeping a close eye on him this time, too) but his strength and tenacity never ceases to surprise me and just when I think I couldn't possibly love him more... BAM. My heart grows.

Tell me a story about your kids, something they did that tickled, embarrassed or frustrated you.

Until next time,



Have you joined my reader group yet? If not, then head over to: Margaritas, Men and Mischief with Lasairiona. As the name suggests, it's a place for my readers to chat about all things romance - with a healthy dose of sarcasm, sharp wit, conversations comprised entirely of GIFs, sneak peeks, giveaways and a plethora of memes. It's one of my absolute favorite places on the internet and I'm really enjoying getting to know readers that bit better over there. Don't be shy - we don't bite... much! Come on over!



Many of you know how much I love, love, LOVE Julia's books. Well, I've been waiting on this one for a while (And I know many of you have, too!) Murray and Yael's story is LIVE. I was fortunate enough to have an ARC copy of this book and I've read it TWICE. I love it so much. It might just be my fave Julia book EVER *gasp*


Everyone loves Alex Murray.

I’m not everyone.

My history with Alex goes way back. Back to before the fame and groupies and wild tours. Before he was the lead guitarist for Unrequited. We’ve known each other for a decade and have been at odds for a good portion of it.

When I need Alex’s help, he jumps in with both feet, volunteering to be my fake boyfriend at an old friend’s out-of-town wedding. 

Where my ex-boyfriend will be. The man I thought I’d marry one day.

I’m going to the wedding for closure, but what I didn’t count on is how my eyes are opened to who Alex Murray really is. Or that the act we’re putting on isn’t an act at all.


Jacob is another one-click author for me. I LOVE his hockey series SO HARD. I haven't read Manfax yet, but it's on my to-do list. Amazon messed with his pre-order too, so show him some love, folks. You won't regret it!


Manfax: A detailed report containing information about a potential boyfriend/girlfriend’s romantic history.

What is it about this bad boy that has women clamoring to date him?

Adam Winters is like an ice-cold drink of water on a scorching day—he goes down like a champ.

Tall, built, and handy, he’s irresistible and he knows it.

After my company runs numerous Manfax reports on him for half the women in the city, I learn he’s a commitment-phobe. And did I mention he’s my best friend’s future brother-in-law?

Forced to spend time together, he lays on the charm, and I do my best to remain unimpressed.

But the more I get to know him, the harder it is to ignore our chemistry.

Even though I know he looks terrible on paper, he looks damn fine from every other angle.

Will this sexy contractor chip away at the walls around my heart, or will he hammer them to pieces?

*can be read as a standalone*



What if the one person you can't have is the one person you can't resist?

Carter and I have been enemies for as long as I can remember. Hell, I'm pretty sure it was hate at first sight.

I can't even remember how our feud started, but that has never stopped me from pulling some crazy pranks on Carter — and it certainly never stopped him from retaliating.

Lately Carter has upped the stakes, though. He's playing an entirely different game now. One where he infuriates me with his annoyingly hot body and the way he looks at me.

Is it all just a new way of messing with me? I'm tempted to find out, but he and I can never cross that line. After all... he's my best friend's brother.


Her Forbidden Mate

The quiet gardener, Emilio, never had a thing for rich girls. That is until the voluptuous Kendra Pennington comes to stay at the mansion he works for.

She’s fiery, has a quick tongue, and seems to know exactly what she wants…Emilio absolutely can’t stand her. Striving to keep his distance, he’s caught off-guard when a new project forces them together. But under her uptight façade, Emilio realizes Kendra longs for something that only he can satisfy. But there’s something else about this rich girl: she’s his employer’s niece, which makes her absolutely off limits.

Will Emilio break the rules and risk everything for Kendra’s love? Or are they doomed to separate?


Feel like dipping your toe into a bunch of worlds from various authors but not ready to commit to spending the cash? Check out these FREEBIES here in the All Romance Giveaway!




Intimate Strangers

[Book 1 in the Lisa Millar Series]

Is there such a thing as too perfect?

Lisa Millar wasn’t supposed to fall in love with a guy on the Internet. But she did. Other than living over five thousand miles away in America, AJ Williams is seemingly her perfect match. Strikingly handsome, musically talented, plays hockey and has a typical college-guy life. In a moment of carpe diem, Lisa flies from Ireland to Alabama to surprise her internet-beau and finds herself face to face with an inconceivable reality that she couldn’t possibly have prepared for. How well can you truly know someone you meet online?

Will true love win out, or will AJ’s secret life be too much for Lisa to bear?


Game Changer

[Book 1 in the AJ Williams Series]

AJ Williams wasn’t supposed to fall in love with a girl on the internet. But he did.

Other than living over five thousand miles away in Northern Ireland, Lisa Millar is seemingly his perfect match. AJ can’t quite believe his luck, not only is she beautiful, but she has an appreciation for both music and hockey - two of his favorite things.

Surprised by Lisa turning up unannounced in Alabama, AJ is under pressure to deal with the issue at hand.

Should he risk losing her, come clean and tell her the truth?

Or should he try to keep his secret under wraps?

Will true love win out? Or will AJ’s secret be too much for Lisa to bear?

