It's time to turn in those links!

Oct 08, 2022 12:06 pm


Howdy ARCsters,

Two for Charging is now LIVE and out there for the world to read. While it's not my greatest launch, it's also not my worst, and I'm really happy with how Clare and Elliott's story brought the series to a close after a particularly difficult summer for me. It's no exaggeration to say that this series has changed my life.

Is this really the end for the Snow Pirates?

Since y'all are my insider team, I'm happy to tell you all that I DO hope to write more Snow Pirates in the future, but who knows when. I need to write stories for Seb and Hunter, Enzo and Linc's sister Amelia, and, yes, Theo and Cat will be getting a book at some point too. I'd also love to write a second generation spin off for people like Mason...

What do we do now?

I know a bunch of you are still reading and finishing up your reviews and that's okay, but I wanted to drop the links here so when you're finished you can complete the document.

You can turn in your review links on this form.

Here are the direct links to review the book - please make sure you're posting to two platforms!

TFC Amazon

TFC Goodreads

TFC Bookbub

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email my ARC Coordinator Shani here: 

I've done the rounds of a bunch of reader groups over the past few days and will continue to do so over the coming days - if you see one of my posts in a group you're in, please like or comment. It'll help with visibility and keeping Clare and Elliot OUT THERE in front of people's faces.

What's next? I've already started plotting and writing my UCR Raccoons series which debuts in February. I'm super excited for you guys to meet those boys. They're already showing me some glimpses into their personalities and stories and it's giving me life.

I'm trying to get far enough ahead in my 2023 releases that I can turn my attention back to Lisa and AJ. I'm going to be pulling them down, re-editing/writing them, recovering them, and rereleasing them. They're going to look very different by the time I'm done with them and I want to expand their team too. So that's going to be exciting - and a slow and steady labor of love!

My next release is December 1st and is a crossover novella (It's only 17k words or so) between the Snow Pirates and the Cedar Rapids Raccoons. There will be NO ARC copies for this novella.

To that end... since y'all are my favorites, I wanted to give you a chapter 1 sneak peek of Two for Tacos my novella releasing in December, before anyone else.

Two for Tacos

Chapter 1


“Welcome to Guac ‘n Roll. Can I get you started with something to drink?”

“I’ll take a hibiscus margarita, please.” Kenzie grinned at the server.

Over the edge of her vibrantly colored, laminated menu, Austin’s eyebrow twitched. It would have been all but imperceptible to anyone who didn’t know him.

She rolled her eyes. “And I’ll take a water too, please. Light ice.”

“I would like a water, and could we get some mock-a-mole to start please?”

Kenzie’s face scrunched up like he’d ordered a plate of live worms, and she held up her hand. “Eh. Veto. Make it the real stuff please. No fake-a-mole for this Texan. They’d never let me go back home.”

The server – Claudia, according to her name tag – giggled. “It’s actually not that bad. But yes.” She nodded, a somber expression replacing her toothpaste-commercial-white smile. “I’d rather we didn’t upset the Texan by giving her anything less than authentic guacamole. With real avocados.”

Clasping her hands together like she was praying, Kenzie thanked the woman before digging in her purse for her eco straws.

“I did not say anything.” The corner of Austin’s mouth tugged up in a casual smile. “But I am proud of you for ordering water.”

She waved a metallic blue, stainless steel straw at him. “I know I haven’t had enough water yet today, Sir.” Another eye roll. “But even if I didn’t, your face said everything you were thinking.”

Kenzie had traveled to Cedar Rapids with her hockey team, the Minnesota Snow Pirates for an unscheduled pre-season game. While her boyfriend, and former player on the team, Austin, had graduated, he’d made the trip with her on business of his own.

“Easy, Love. By my count that is two eye rolls in a matter of minutes.”

“Palms gettin’ twitchy?” She pursed her lips to smother a smile – it didn’t work.

He leaned forward, holding her gaze. “Considering how much I know you enjoy a good spanking… my palms are always twitchy, Mackenzie.” He didn’t lower his voice, and she didn’t dare look around to see if anyone else heard.

Her face burned, but her stomach growled. He wouldn’t let her skip dinner in favor of warming her butt cheeks with his hand. She needed to pivot the conversation before she started rubbing her crotch against the edge of the table.

Fuck, it had been too long since she’d come.

His lazy smile grew into a panty-melting grin.

“Perhaps later.”

She groaned. He’d edged her for four days… or was it five? She’d lost count in the lack-of-O-delirium. They had plans to head to the outskirts of the city after dinner to scout a potential new location for the expanding franchise of Protocol sex clubs. Maybe she’d convince him to bend her over something and give her a good seeing to when they got done checking out the building was up to scratch.

“Here you go.” Claudia slid Kenzie’s ‘rita from her tray onto the table, followed by both waters, a basket of chips and a bowl of guacamole. As Kenzie slipped a straw into each of their glasses, Claudia tucked the tray under her arm and took a step back. “Are you ready to order?”

Kenzie nodded. “Don’t you need a notebook?”

Claudia tapped her temple. “I got it. Hit me.”

Loving her confidence, and only too keen for the server to leave so she could make a scene demolishing the chips and dip like she’d never been fed, Kenzie pointed at the menu. “We’ll have the steak and cheese tacos, the buttermilk chicken tacos, and the brisket tacos.”

“Is that everything?”

Kenzie shook her head, a section of her hair falling in front of her face. “No, ma’am. We’d like to try the sweet potatoes bravas and the habanero corn on the cob, please. What about you, Austin, what would you like?”

Austin raised an eyebrow as Kenzie collected both menus and offered them to Claudia. “I’m kidding, that’s for both of us.”

Claudia held her hands up. “Hey, no judgement here. Who am I to come between a girl and her tacos?”

Taking a sip of her drink, Kenzie smacked her lips and nodded. “I like you, Claudia. I’m kinda glad we don’t live nearby or I feel like I’d be here all the time.”

“It’s an affliction we locals all must suffer. You won’t find better flour tortillas. Anywhere. Period. Abuelita makes the best flour tortillas in the world.”

Kenzie leaned back and folded her arms. “In the world? Now I know you’re full of shit.”

Claudia snorted a laugh. “For real. She says her secret ingredient is love.” She paused and dropped her voice. “I think it’s crack cocaine. Is there anything else I can get for you both?”

Kenzie’s eyelids fluttered shut as she took another long, cold draw from her drink. Rolling her lips between her teeth, she shook her head and released all her tension on a sigh that pulled her shoulders from her ears. “No thanks.” She opened her eyes and pointed to the glass. “But I’m not entirely sure I’ll be stopping at one of these.”

“It happens.” Claudia shrugged. “It’s my favorite too.” Just as she turned to leave, the door opened behind her, and Austin’s expression shifted.


“You are not going to believe this.”


“Yes, ma’am.”

“Austin, you’ve got to be kidding me. This is supposed to be our night. Date night.”

Austin nodded. “Je sais, Amour. Perhaps they will not see—”

“Austin! Mackenzie!”


“I’ll say.” Kenzie’s mutter wasn’t quite under her breath as she turned to face the new additions. Molly Morrison waved their direction, followed closely behind by Snow Pirates Lincoln, Russell, Sébastien, Theo, and Enzo.

“We’ll sit with them.” Russ pointed toward their table, and Kenzie swallowed a groan. It wasn’t that she didn’t love the team by any means. But since Austin wasn’t playing anymore and was off helping his father run his empire and helping his friend expand his chain of kinky clubs, their alone time was hard to come by.

And as much as she loved the team, she could have definitely done with a night without them in her space.

Molly raised her hand to push Russ’s arm down. “How about we let them have their date night in peace and quiet?”

“I’m sure they won’t mind. Right, Kenz?”

Six pairs of eyes bored into her expectantly, waiting for her to weigh in. After a beat of silence, she shook her head, resigned to the fact that whether or not they were in her space, they’d still manage to be in her freakin’ space. “It’s fine. Can we pull some of these tables together?”

Claudia nodded. “Absolutely.”

Molly sat next to Austin, and the boys filled out the rest of the seats. It was almost as if the space had been designed for long tables and large groups. Another plus when traveling with a large and rowdy group of hungry hockey players. If the food tasted as good as it smelled, she’d add Guac n’Roll to the team’s travel list.

“We’ve already ordered.” Kenzie spoke to no one in particular. “And I’m not sharing my freakin’ guac!”

“It’s okay, we checked out the menu on the ride over. We know what we want.”

Linc kick-started the orders, and Kenzie couldn’t help but notice that Claudia had produced a pen and a notebook.

“Hockey players can be fussy,” Claudia stage-whispered. “I don’t want to get anything wrong. No this, extra that, can you substitute this… you know…”

Kenzie drained the last of her drink and shook her head. “Not this lot. They’d eat dirt if someone warmed it up. Hell, some of ‘em probably eat it cold. I honestly don’t know how some of them are still alive. I’mma need another one of these bad boys please.” She gestured her empty glass at Claudia who took it from her and put it back on her tray, handing Kenzie’s straw back to her.

“So noted.”

“How’d you know they were hockey players?” Kenzie narrowed her gaze as she sipped on her water, not missing the subtle smirk of approval from Austin across the table.

“I could lie and say it was something to do with the smell.” She winked. “But I follow the sport so I knew the Snow Pirates were coming to town this weekend.”

Kenzie rolled her eyes. “Please only believe about half of what you’ve heard about them. And I apologize in advance for the other half.”

“That’s three eye rolls.” Austin spoke quietly, but not low enough to be missed. Kenzie clenched her thighs together as Claudia repeated back the never ending order for their now party of eight.

Molly reached over and stole a chip. “Sorry to gate crash.”

Kenzie’s face must have contorted to convey her ire, as Molly’s eyes went wide. “Down girl, the beautiful server is going to bring more.”

“Good, cause I’m about to throw a meaner tantrum than a two dollar rattle snake.” She took another mouthful of guac before continuing. “She really is beautiful isn’t she? I’d kill to have such clear skin.”

Molly nodded as she chewed. “And her hair is so fucking silky.” She dropped her voice. “I’d totally do her.” She cleared her throat. “How’d you guys find this place?”

“It was a recommendation from a friend back home at the club.” Austin sipped his water. “I cannot believe we did not know about it for the years I played on the team. Have you been keeping it a secret all these years, Captain?”

Lincoln shook his head. “Lorenzo’s rec.” He jerked his chin at Enzo. “I guess he saw an ad for it on social media or something. You know how scary those things are when you say you’re going somewhere and suddenly you’re bombarded with ads for the place.”

Enzo rubbed the back of his neck. “Dude. Why you gotta bring out the Sunday name? I ate here with my old team.”

It was Linc’s turn for an eye roll.

“There was nothing before the Snow Pirates. Your old team never existed.” Russ wagged a finger at him.

“Let’s hope they feel the same way when we’re on the ice together during the season.” He shuddered. “My bones are already hurting.”

Kenzie took in the restaurant as they chatted. Bright red, half egg shaped lamp shades hung from the bamboo ceiling. The walls were vivid shades of greens and blue, and the wood panel dividers between sections of the seating area displayed murals, signed by the artists.

On their way in, they’d passed by vibrant colored picnic benches and wide umbrellas, and if she didn’t have her trusty guacamole in front of her on the table, she’d be going insane with the smells.

Tables were filling up fast, and an in-view kitchen behind a tall counter was bustling with activity and the clinking of pots and pans and the sounds of sizzling meat.

She was salivating.

Theo’s arrogant voice brought her attention back to the table. “We’re going to show them who’s boss tomorrow night on the ice.”

Was he really dissing the home team, in earshot of the locals, before they even got their food?

She reached around Lincoln and flicked Theo on the forehead. “Shut up before someone hears you,” she ground out through gritted teeth.

“So what if they hear me?”

Fucking rookies. Arrogant assholes.

Russell reached over the table to accept his soda from Claudia who’d reappeared with a tray of drinks and another server carrying chips and dips.

Claudia’s eyes darted between Kenzie and something behind her, while Theo all but beat on his chest like a Neanderthal.

“I love your lipstick.” Claudia addressed Molly, but spoke so loudly that even Theo paused his ‘down with the Raccoons’ tirade momentarily.

“Thanks. My kick-ass-red-lipstick is my trademark.”

Theo wouldn’t let up.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Kenzie hissed out a breath. “Dude. You need to lower your fucking voice before my new bestie Claudia hears you mouthing off about her boys and has the kitchen staff spit in our food.” She cast what she hoped was an apologetic smile to the server.

Kenzie got substantially more sarcastic the hangrier she got. Everyone in a couple hundred mile radius could hear the new kid shouting his mouth off about the home team going down in a blaze of cannon fire.

“All we need now is for a fucking trash panda to show up and kick his daggum ass.” She scooped up an oversized mouthful of guac and crammed it in her mouth before accepting her second margarita from Claudia.

Austin cleared his throat. “Too late.” His face darkened and a muscle in his jaw twitched as a quiet hush rippled across the table. He jerked his chin at someone behind her, and her stomach dropped.

Casting a surreptitious glance over her shoulder, her fear was being played out in front of her eyes.

The Raccoons had entered the building. 

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Thanks for all you do,





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Bookish. Bold. Beautiful. And entirely out of his league.

On paper, all-American boy next door, Lincoln Scott, has it all. But behind his slap shots, straight-A report card, and easy going charm, Linc hides a secret only his best friend knows.

When he attempts to return a misplaced bra, a wrong number gets him way more than the hook-up he bargained for. No one has ever looked beyond the star hockey player, until the mysterious woman he can’t stop texting sees him for who he really is.

Does Linc have the skills off the ice to keep up with her? Will he follow in his father’s footsteps? Or will he step out from the shadows and chase his dreams?

If you’re pucking obsessed with Helena Hunting, Pippa Grant, and Elle Kennedy, you’ll love this hilarious, hot-as-puck, secret identity, opposites attract, curvy girl sports romance. Two for Interference is a full length standalone with no cheating, cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Welcome to the Minnesota Snow Pirates, where skilled and sexy mother puckers’ lives get turned upside down by strong and badass heroines. Curl up with your next book boyfriend today.


