Friday Freebie - on Thursday!

Jul 02, 2020 4:01 pm


Howdy y'all, How goes it?

This week has flown! Lock-down has finally started to lift here, and in truth it couldn't come soon enough. My six year old son, Lewis, has taken this whole thing particularly badly. Having lost his granddad just seven months ago and trying to come to terms with the brand new concept of death, loss, and grief, a global pandemic that is killing hundreds of thousands of people has been tough on him. Also the fact he's his mama's son and is a social creature didn't help - it's been like watching a flower wilt. My poor heart!

The last ten days have been like night and day, I've taken him for some socially distanced play dates and yesterday he was at his nanny and granda's house with his two cousins. We've had no upset tummies, no crying, no insomnia, and no requests for medicine to help his tummy for over a week. I'm getting my baby boy back and it's such a relief to see. By extension it means I'm feeling better too. I've felt so crippled and helpless and just had to kind of watch him suffer. I'm hoping this is a turning point, but I'm also hoping people don't abuse it and we don't end up in a stricter second-lockdown. I'd break.

Now that school is over for the summer, I am spending more time over on my reader group on Facebook procrastinating writing my upcoming series, if you are on Facebook and like my books, you should come join us at Margaritas, Men and Mischief with Lasairiona. There's a bunch of teasers and snippets from upcoming books, giveaways from myself and other authors in my genre and a fun and friendly group of people who enjoy reading romance.

June brought an end to my crazy rapid release schedule of five books in five months and while usually I'd do something fun, like go out with friends and have dinner and drinks, or I'd go on an adventure somewhere new to commemorate each book lock-down put a halt to that. I know it might sound somewhat extravagant and in many ways it totally is, but being an author is my first 'real' and grown-up job as an adult so I opted to buy myself something sparkly from my fave jeweler.

I left uni and moved to Texas where I couldn't work and I haven't had money of my 'own' since I had a part time job in Clinton cards in my last year of Queens. Celebrating my journey to financial independence doesn't happen often, almost all of the money I make gets rolled into the next book, and the one after that, but I made a point with these releases to carve out a little something to treat myself (not least of all because we ended up in an extended lock-down and couldn't so much as leave the house without good cause for a long time!) Gorgeous, right? And yup - they're open hearts to match my cover hearts!!


Lastly, I wanted to drop this sneaky lil freebie up in here. If you haven't yet read my Lisa Millar Series, here's your chance to get started for free. If you have read Intimate Strangers, please consider leaving me a wee review on Amazon and/or Goodreads - reviews are so important for us indies!

Gimme my freebie!

Back to writing Jeremy's books before my readers mutiny!

Stay safe,


This week I only have two book bundles for you (I'm cutting back on the volume of things I'm sharing now that life is starting to return to normal and people have less time for reading) the first is this Hot Summer promo and the second is a great freebie bundle below - just click on the banner and book covers!


I LOVE Cara's work, so I'm excited to share The Publicist this week with y'all.


He's the bad boy Hollywood loves to hate. She's been hired to "fix" his image. Too bad she doesn't date her clients.

I’m the biggest bitch in the industry, and I’m proud of my title. I work my size twelve curves and don’t take crap from anyone.

Imagine my luck when I’m selected out of hundreds of publicity professionals to work with bad boy Caleb Evanstan. He’s one of Hollywood’s hottest celebrities and is totally off limits.

I have a hard rule about mixing business with pleasure… but one taste couldn’t hurt, right?


I met Hunter in high school after we both got ditched by our dates. Laughing over the rejection together, we instantly became best friends. I never allowed myself to see him any other way, because the bond between us was too special to risk. But when I have to call him out to the ranch to help with a cow birthing twins, I see him in a whole new light. Strong. Assertive. Intense. Suddenly, I find myself wondering if this friendship came with any benefits I’ve missed out on enjoying... 
