✅Optimized Muslim Newsletter 15/08/2022 - Tiredness, Gratitude, Justice and Gaming?
Aug 15, 2022 7:05 pm
Update for 15th August 2022
as Salaamu Alaykum,
Last week I uploaded a podcast with Ustadh Farhan Somani who is a Hafiz and tajweed tutor from India. I learned a lot during our conversation alhamdulillah and I got the sense that it is such a blessing to be able to have these long form conversations with people on such topics. For example, I learned that there are specific copies of the Qur'an that assist those who are hifdh students! When we were young, we just randomly chose a mushaf based on the design of the cover! I have two more episodes already recorded that are due to be released in sha Allah and this week I have an interview scheduled with Imam Tom Facchine alhamdulillah.
An Self Development Idea I was thinking about this week:
The difference between tiredness and laziness. In the current climate, the balance has shifted or there is an over-correction towards "rest". Do we actually recognise when we are tired or are we simply feeling lethargic? I could eat a carb-heavy meal and then lie down to do some reading. After about half an hour, how will I feel when I think of doing any task involving some form of effort?
Without going all David Goggins on you, I try to remind myself to stop when I feel fried but not when I simply don't feel in "flow". Are you literally too exhausted to work or are you just lethargic and not feeling in the right mood? We often conflate the two. If it's the former, then yes, take a break or finish for the day. If it's the latter, then train yourself to continue. Do not tie taking action to a particularly good mood or when you feel "flow". Unless you can habitually enter this state to allow for you to be consistent in your chosen endeavour, which I doubt, then focus on detaching mood from action
Seerah/Hadith on Justice
"Many people of the Quraysh tribe were troubled by the fact that such a noble woman was to be punished. They wanted someone to speak to the Prophet ﷺ requesting a pardon for her. It was suggested that the best person to do so was the one who was dearest to him ﷺ, Usāmah ibn Zayd. Usāmah obliged and spoke to the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophetﷺ was upset. He said to Usāmah: “Are you interceding to suspend a mandatory punishment decreed by God?” He then spoke to the people: “People, know that communities before you came to ruin only because when a nobleman among them was guilty of theft, they left him alone, but when a person of no influence stole, they applied the mandatory punishment. "I swear by God Almighty, if Fāṭimah, my daughter, is guilty of theft, I will have her hand cut.” (Related by al-Bukhārī and Muslim.)"
An Islamic Reminder on Gratitude
"A man once came to al-Hasan and said to him, "I have a neighbour who does not eat al-Faloudhaj.’ He said, ‘Why not?’ He replied, ‘He says that if he eats it he will not be able to thank Allah enough for it.’ He said, ‘Your neighbour is an ignorant! Does he think he can even thank Allah enough for drinking cool water?’ Ibn Jawzi
Content I found beneficial this week:
A Channel on which a teacher guides you through the Al Arabiya Bayna Yadayk Arabic book series at a relatively fast pace. It is therefore more time effective for someone who is at the level where a step by step tutor is not required. Check it out here
Book Review
Tools of Titans By Tim Ferris - The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers - I would recommend you skim through and pick out various pointers to try and implement rather than reading the book cover to cover.
Some quotes from my readings:
The Art of Intentional Thinking by Peter Hollins
Should you waste an entire day focusing on one 10-second setback? Of course not! That would be just as wasteful as squandering $86,390.
The Alchemy of Happiness by Ghazali, Mohammed Al
The pain which we may suffer in this world, however severe, yet does not weigh the amount of an atom in comparison with the pains and torment of the other world. This world is a fading shadow, but the future world is abiding and eternal.
"Keeping the habit alive is a powerful act. It's easier to stay in shape than to get in shape. It's easier to keep a house clean than to get it clean.
Many days it may feel like you are treading water, but maintaining your progress saves your future self a great deal of work."
The Perils of Perception by Bobby Duffy
‘misperceptions differ from ignorance insofar as people often hold them with a high degree of certainty… and consider themselves to be well informed’.
The Way of the Spiritual Muslim by Ikram Hawramani, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, al-Ghazali, Rumi, Ibn Ata Allah al-Sikandari,...
It was said to Ibn al-Mubārak, “Why do you not come sit in our gatherings?” He said, “I like to sit with the Companions and the Tābiʿūn“. By this he meant that he preferred to read the books he had.
Something unrelated but I found interesting:
Oxford University researchers find no link between poor mental health and videogame playing. link
One question to ask ourselves
How would you be spending your time if money was not a consideration?
I want to hear from like-minded people, please feel free to reply.
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Some of the Content from this week:
🎥 Jan The Slovak Muslim On How Becoming Muslim Affected His Business Life
Brother Jan "The Slovak Muslim" beautifully explains how Islam impacted his business life after he reverted and became Muslim.
🎥 What has Daniel Haqiqatjou got to do with my Self Development Project?
🎥 Why You Will Struggle to Excel Without A Strong Islamic Identity and Frame
Why You Will Struggle to Excel Without A Strong Islamic Identity and Frame.
Having a strong Islamic identity allows you to have a solid foundation upon which you can develop.
Enjoy, Aadil (Optimizedmuslim.com)