The Gym/Library Productivity Concept, Healthier finances & Who Was Imam Malik? Newsletter

Jan 04, 2023 7:01 am


Wednesday 4th January 2023

as Salaamu Alaykum

Weekly Newsletter bringing together some (hopefully) useful content on all things self-development from a Muslim's perspective.

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Indeed, Allah does not wrong people in the least, but it is people who wrong themselves. (Quran 10:44)


Ali رضي الله عنه said: It may be known whether a person is really patient at the time of anger. And he ﷺ used to say that the beginning of anger is madness and the end of it is regret, and anger cannot be justified by offering a humble apology. [Al-Adab ash-Shar’iyyah 1/183]

The Gym Library Productivity Concept - Build your Mind and Body 💪🏾

So I made a video on this about 8 months ago which you can check out here.

Of late, I've been limited to home workouts and this idea often motivates me to get started. I do get the endorphin rush from working out so I know it's a matter of just getting started but where the "library" idea comes in is that I generally leave the workout having listened to a couple of podcasts and made notes on ideas which I then build upon later.

Andrew Huberman talks about how spiking adrenaline during/after a learning period helps you to retain it - and I definitely feel more creative and focused after working out.

So all in all, the 60 minutes I might spend exercising is often the most "optimized" period of my day if I think about it from that perspective. This is especially the case if you spend a few minutes focusing on your intention and trying to stack multiple beneficial intentions before starting.

Take inventory of your time⏳

Do you sometimes reflect back on a period of your life and think "those days were good" or get the sense that you were more content or had higher eeman during a certain time? This is why a consistent journalling practice or "Muhasabah" (taking yourself to account) is important. It helps you develop greater self-awareness over time.

It is no longer just a nice airy fairy thought but something you can actually analyse and trace back in terms of what got you there. Perhaps you spent more time reading instead of scrolling through social media. Perhaps you prayed tahajjud or fasted more. Perhaps you were not entangled with a toxic friend.

Once you have that awareness, it gives you a practical starting point from where you can improve your situation in sha Allah.

Ways to Healthier finances from Practical Islamic Finance💰


  1. Figure out what your financial goals actually are. Write them down. Reference them periodically and adjust when needed. You can't hit a target if you don't know where it is.
  2. Make a monthly budget. Once you know your goals you have to figure out what amount of monthly savings is required to reach them. This requires a monthly budget to keep track of your income, expenses and savings.
  3. Automate your investing. Rain or shine, bear or bull market, invest regularly. Many brokerages offer automatic investing. 
  4. Consult with someone you trust. It helps to periodically get a professional's opinion to verify that you're on the right path and that you're taking advantage of available wealth-building opportunities.

p.s. It's a good YouTube Channel you should check out. Link

Interesting links and recommended content🤔

  • Who was Imam Malik ibn Anas? With Shaykh Hamza Karamal - Link

  • For those learning Arabic. You can find the entire Al Arabiyya Bayna Yadayk book series with a guided instructor at a decent pace: Link

  • Training principles for mass & strength, changing views on nutrition, & creatine supplementation - Podcast with Peter Attia and Layne Norton. Link:

Questions to ask ourselves

What was my worst time expenditure yesterday? How do I guard myself against it today?

Some quotes from my readings:

The Like Switch by Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins

The more angry people become, the less likely they are to logically process information. Angry individuals are not open to solutions when they are mad, because their ability to think logically is impaired.

Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married by Gary Chapman

Being in love is an emotional and obsessive experience. However, emotions change and obsessions fade. Research indicates that the average life span of the “in love” obsession is two years.1 For some it may last a bit longer; for some, a bit less.

The Daily Laws by Robert Greene

Perhaps the best, though, is one of generosity. Few people can resist a gift, even from the most hardened enemy, which is why it is often the perfect way to disarm people. A gift brings out the child in us, instantly lowering our defenses. When we are children, all kinds of complicated feelings about our parents center around gifts..

Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf

One of the scholars of Andalusia said the first degree of wilayah (saintliness) with God is to take one’s thoughts into account, that is, to measure one’s thoughts according to the scale of the Sharīʿah (Islamic Sacred Law). 

Optimized Muslim Newsletter Collaboration with

"Get clarity on your direction in life, find more fulfilment and have more passion and energy, even if you feel lost and confused and hate your life"

In this FREE session you will discover: 


- The 3 biggest mistakes Muslims are making when trying to figure out their life direction


- The one foundational concept that will transform the way you think about the world, forever


- The 3 secret tools purposeful Muslims are using to get instant clarity


So if you want to know more about discovering your purpose, passion and path in life then definitely go to:

🎥 Muslims Beware: The Dangers Of Following Red Pill Advice


Don't get obsessed with "red pill" content.

This is a key bit of advice for young Muslim men.

Remember to take care of your "mental diet" or online company.

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Looking for a spouse? Advice to Muslim Men in the West


Looking for a spouse?

Advice to Muslim Men in the West to marry from traditional cultures.

It is an increasingly common trend, especially amongst the practising or those who want a marriage where traditional Islamic values are abided by in terms of gender roles etc.

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Unlock Your Masculine Power & Take Action - Advice from Gabriel Al Romaani


Unlock Your Masculine Power & Take Action - Advice from Gabriel Al Romaani

It can feel like you are trapped in a certain way of being and don't know how to break free.

This video is designed to offer advice to Muslim men who feel they lack the power to take control of their lives.

Click here to watch the video

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