Weekly Newsletter 👍

Mar 16, 2021 1:31 am

Al salaamuAlaykum All,

So this is basically my first weekly newsletter alhamdulillah. Therefore, please feel free to respond with any suggestions you have for improvements or what you would like more of. As you have taken out the time to subscribe to this newsletter, I want to be able to be of service.

An Idea I was thinking about this week

These days we're encouraged to speak more, express ourselves more, put out more content etc. Twitter says, "What's on your mind..." And yet, at no other time in history have our words enjoyed/suffered from such permanence. We no longer speak only to the extent of the memory of the listener, we speak to databases and algorithms. Let us do so more wisely. The scary thought is, we will be held to account for every single word. Let's try to be more considered and thoughtful and intentional with our communication.

A quote to think about

The ship of your lifetime is approaching the coast of the graveyard. What is the matter with you that you are busy inside the ship trying to acquire goods? Ibn Al Jawzi

One question to ask ourselves:

Is this taking me closer or further away from God?

Some of the posts from this week:

🎥 Daniel Haqiqatjou - Working as a minimum wage intern, failures and Christmas Parties (funny)


Ustadh Daniel Haqiqatjou worked in a corporate job for 7 years.

Learn how he transitioned from feeling like a failure working as an intern to exiting his corporate role.

A humorous clip asking him how he dealt with Christmas party invitations.

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Qur'an Hafidh but struggling to revise? Try this tip!


The real work starts after the celebrations of completing.

A lot of Huffadh out there who don't maintain their blessing.

10-12 minutes per day.

Maybe this video can reignite their habit إن شاء الله

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Low eeman level? Show me your schedule!


This might sound like a trite self-help line but there's truth to it.

"Show me your schedule and I'll show you your priorities".

Click here to watch the video

Enjoy, Aadil
