💪Hadith on Strength, guard your tongue, productivity tip and interviewing a consultant psychiatrist - Newsletter

Dec 03, 2022 8:42 pm


Saturday 3 December 2022

as Salaamu Alaykum

My intention with these newsletters is to synthesise beneficial information for you in sha Allah.

Interviewed Dr Abu Eesa yesterday. Dr Abu Eesa is a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist working in Qatar. I think you will like the episode. We even spoke about some Jinn stories. Who doesn't like a good jinn story?😂


💪“Strength is not to overpower people; real strength is to control oneself when angry.” (Related by al-Bukhārī.)


🤲"We should think of the blessings and favours of Allah, as a decent and noble person would never act against the One who has been treating him kindly. Only base and ignoble people do such a thing. If we think of the blessings and favours of Allah, we will realise that we should not respond by going against His commands and committing wrong action."

Patience and Gratitude by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyah

Two Amazing quotes from Ibn Al Jawzi 🧠

“Know that if people are impressed with you, in reality, they are impressed with the beauty of Allah’s covering of your sins.

“If you find darkness in your heart after you have sinned, then know that in your heart there is light, because of that light you felt the darkness.”

The Importance of good speech🗣️

"Yaḥyā bin Muʿādh says: “The hearts are like containers, they overflow with what they contain, and the tongues are the edges of the containers.”

So look at the person when he speaks and you will hear his tongue overflow with the contents of his heart, be they sweet or sour."

Productivity tweet from me💼

Staying fasted until your highest leverage tasks are done is one of the best productivity tips for me. It's funny to think that you can read 100s of self-development books but the highest impact ideas are timeless and simple.

Recommended content 🧵

A thread by Sh Ismail Kamdar: 10 Principles of Online Dawah

Something slightly funny 🙄

Information is retained better if adrenaline spikes post learning session according to Huberman...makes me immediately think about the threat of punishment in masjid classes helping Qur'an retention 😂

Do not 100% agree but interesting:🤔

“Evil can be guarded against.

Stupidity cannot.

And the world's few evil people have little power without the help of the world's many stupid people.

As a result, stupidity is a far greater threat than evil.” — Gurwinder Bhogal

One question to ask ourselves

What would be the action that would take me closer to Allah SWT in this situation?

Some quotes from my readings:

"No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself."


“If you can’t be present with a coffee, you won’t be present on a yacht.”

 I want to hear from like-minded people, please feel free to reply.

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Some of the recent content:

🎥 We Value Women


""We're not trying to put women down, we value women"

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Assume Responsibility over your "flock"


We have to assume responsibility as men

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Future Blogging Theology Guests - Dr Jordan Peterson? King Charles? 🤔😂


I ask br Paul of Blogging Theology about some guests who he has not yet interviewed on Blogging Theology but would like to.

He mentions Professor Wael Hallaq, Dr Jordan Peterson and I jokingly mention King Charles 😂

Click here to listen to the podcast

Enjoy, Aadil (Optimizedmuslim.com)
