Goodbye 2022... Hello 2023
Dec 29, 2022 4:44 am
As the end of the year approaches and I reflect on what the year has sent our way, I have to be totally honest to say that I will not remember 2022 with much fondness...our region suffered the worst floods in memory in which we lost complete communities.
This seemed to be a universal theme, unseasonal weather and unprecedented events. But one thing I have taken from this year is that I am blessed to live in an amazing community both locally, and virtually. I have seen Facebook groups come together to support people they don't know. TPT sellers rallying to help their fellow teachers.
So very heartwarming...
New things are on my horizon with the purchase of a new home. Part of this process which I have embraced and found incredibly liberating has been decluttering. WOW!!! So powerful...really...I hadn't believed just how cathartic it has been. I have been ruthless and am loving the calmness of my new environment.
I have also created my own website which has been a steep, but rewarding learning curve. I have a subscribers only link with loads of freebies for you (You will need to subscribe to my list via this link in order to access it)
I guess you are wondering what this has to do with you. I am sending out this email to my subscribers to see if you still want to keep in touch. I promise not to overwhelm and fill your inbox with emails that are no longer relevant, but...if you do choose to remain as a subscriber can I ask a huge favor of you? Could you fill out this feedback form for me?
If you choose not to remain a subscriber I totally understand and there are definitely no hard feelings. It has been an absolute please being allowed into your inbox.
One last generators are becoming a big thing...I have found a few sites that I would love to share with you before I go ,, and have fun exploring these.
All the best for the New Year to you all.
Stay healthy and spend as much time with your loved ones as you can.
Keep in touch
Nikki Tester