Exclusive Newsletter Audiobook sample & New Covers and Deals.

May 21, 2023 5:39 am

Exclusive Newsletter Audiobook Sample!

While I had fun with the design of the ripper, I think there's a lot more to work with in this book! I've been collecting sounds to use during my audio designing down time, and well, I'll let you listen for yourself. Use headphones if you're able to! This sample is still missing a little bit of design / Ragnarr's presence so keep that in mind. I'm not sure if I'll eventually release this sample to the public myself or not; maybe in a few months when its completely finished. But if you want to share it with a friend, feel free!


Listen Here!

As things are now, I think I'll be able to release this in either the fall or the winter of this year. I should also be adding a hardcover of it later this summer. Keep your eyes peeled!

The New Covers!

So, I guess it's about time I updated you with what I've been up too. Well, first off, if you haven't visited the website for a bit, you may have not seen the new covers!


It was a bit of an investment, but I think it was highly worth it! Oleg Beloded nailed them! I even went ahead and created hardcover copies for the, so if you're interested check them out! I think they look awesome! (The Ebooks may or may not be discounted, depending on when you open this).

The Freebies, and Discounts

As always, trying to support my fellow indies and doing newsletter swaps with them. Check out the promos below and hopefully you can find your next awesome read! I'll be in touch! If you have any questions, comments, or even suggestions, feel free to message me via the contact page!






