Shalom,We welcome four new students to the NETIV study program. We hope to see you this week in class.Week July 25-30 Class scheduleSunday 10am (CST) Rabbi Yaakov WolbeNo Class in honor of the Jewish Day of Tisha B'AvSunday 4pm (CST). Rod Reuven...
First, let me thank you for your patience. We are uploading news lessons and the course will be ready soon. We need take care of some house cleaning which requires everyone who has enrolled in the Noahide Course to follow the link below and register...
Shalom,We welcome four new students to the NETIV study program. We hope to see you this week in class.Week July 18-23 Class scheduleSunday 10am (CST) Rabbi Yaakov WolbeNo Class in honor of the Jewish Day of Tisha B'AvSunday 4pm (CST). Rod Reuven...
Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim y Netiv Online Houston ofrecen el curso Noahide Mitzvot & Lifestyle, este curso Noahide Halajá es el más completo de su tipo con más de 60 lecciones en línea con notas detalladas y referencias. Aprenda los fundamentos, l...
Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim and Netiv Online Houston are offering the Noahide Mitzvot & Lifestyle Course, this Noahide Halacha Course is the most comprehensive of it kind with over 60 online lessons with detailed notes and references. Learn the fun...
Shalom,We welcome four new students to the NETIV study program. We hope to see you this week in class.Week July 11-16 Class scheduleSunday 10am (CST) Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe 4pm (CST). Rod Reuven Bryanthttps:...
Enroll in Noahide Mitzvot & Lifestyle Online Course, it will change your life.Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim and Netiv Online Houston are offering the Noahide Mitzvot & Lifestyle Course, this Noahide Halacha Course is the most comprehensive of...
Shalom,We welcome four new students to the NETIV study program. We hope to see you this week in class.Weekly Class ScheduleSunday 10am (CST) Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe 4pm (CST). Rod Reuven Bryanthttps://us02web...