Netiv Torah Zoom Updated Class schedule -July 20- July 26, 2024

Jul 20, 2024 9:01 pm

Week Class July 20- July 26, 2024

1st Sunday of the month, meet at Torch, Houston, Texas, at 10:00 am

Rabbi Wolbe 1st Thursday Zoom class at 7 pm

Sunday 10:00 (CST) Rabbi Wolbe

Rabbi Wolbe's Sunday

Sunday 12pm (CST) Rabbi Goldberg,

"Book of Genesis"

Sunday 3 pm (CST) Rabbi Karmi Ingber Class 

Monday 7 pm (CST). Rabbi Dr. Zvi Aviner Class 

Tuesday 6 pm (CST) Rabbi Weissman 

Wednesday 7 PM (CST)Steve Van Bruaene "Book of Daniel"

Thursday 10 am (CST) Rod Bryant, Exploring Jewish Wisdom & Ethics For  


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Work in the Phillipines Continues

Yehuda teaching about the Noahide Laws and developing a relationship with HaShem

Spoke to the officers of the BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT AND PENOLOGY BJMP @ female facility

There will other announcements coming in near future.v

If interested in taking the Noahide Mitzvot and Lifestyle Online Course go to

Watch this video about our outreach to the Philippines

imageimage Enroll Today and start learning with the only course of it kind, the authentic Noahide Laws & Lifestyle Online Course. 60 lessons dealing with every area Torah and Life with detailed notes.

Meeting ID: 961 940 9880

Passcode: 032076

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Meeting ID: 961 940 9880

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