Avon - This week's coupon special and a returning favorite
Mar 13, 2025 1:51 pm
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Coming soon!
Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus IR3535® Gentle Breeze® SPF 30 Lotion - A long time favorite is expected to be available again beginning C07, 27 March - Join the waitlist today!
- Repels mosquitos that may transmit West Nile Virus
- Repels deer ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease
- Repels mosquitoes, deer ticks, black flies, sand flies, gnats, no-seeums and biting midges
- Provides SPF 30 protection
- PABA-free and DEET-free
- Non-greasy
- Vitamin E and Aloe
- Non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic
- Dermatologist-tested and hypoallergenic
- Ask a doctor before using on children under 6 months of age
This week's Free Gift with Purchase (GWP) special offer and codes:
Codes are valid from 10am ET, Thursday 13 Mar until 11:59pm PM, Friday 14 Mar. - MuchMoreThanLipstick.com
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Must enter coupon code at checkout.
Select Fragrances 2 for $30 - Mix or Match or $19.99 each (regularly $25)
See all of the special offers - Specials.MuchMoreThanLipstick.com
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- Elevate your expertise and become the ultimate beauty expert with pro-led product trainings, masterclasses and everything you need to know about our latest launches. Whether you’re exploring skincare, makeup, or the newest trends, this is your go-to hub for knowledge and inspiration.
Enter Avon's Spring Beauty Refresh sweepstakes for a chance to win a $500+ value gift sets - Sweeps.MuchMoreThanLipstick.com No purchase necessary. -
This sweeps ends 4/8/25.
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Gregory & Kimberly
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