Avon - This week's specials

Jan 23, 2025 4:20 pm


Hi ,

Did you catch the free shipping on any purchase coupon this Monday and Tuesday? Since we only send out one email a week, not every offer makes it to your inbox. However, we share all these deals on our Avon Business page and in our Avon community group on Facebook.

If you're on Facebook and want to stay in the loop, you'll find the links to join at the bottom. Don't miss out on these amazing offers! 🎉

This week's Free Gift with Purchase (GWP) special offer

Free with any $60+ online purchase - code KICKOFF60

Free with any $100+ online purchase - code KICKOFF100

I really like the Vitamin C facial cleanser and use the Vitamin C peel pads daily. The Targeted skin brightener is a brand new product which we've not tried yet, however, the Anew Vitamin C Brightening Serum was a favorite for years before switching to the Beyond Glow product line and the Beyond Glow Vitamin C 6% + Ferulic Acid Serum last year.


Coupon codes are valid for online orders placed between 10am ET, Thursday 23 Jan until 11:59pm PT, Friday 24 Jan - MuchMoreThanLipstick.com

Must enter coupon code at checkout.


GREAT NEWS - Soft Musk cologne is back and now available for pre-order with Ambassador/Rep delivery (before Valentines Day) and will be available for online purchases, 12 Feb.


We also received several Skin So Soft Fresh & Smooth Facial Hair Removal Creams before they went out-of-stock again. Available for Amb/Rep delivery for $7.99, while our supply lasts. These are expected to be back in-stock by 12 Feb.


Enter Avon's Lovestruck Beauty sweepstakes for a chance to win a $500+ value gift sets - Sweeps.MuchMoreThanLipstick.com [redirects to https://www.avon.com/sweepstakes?rep=kgelam] No purchase necessary. -

This sweeps ends 2/11/25.


Browse or shop the current book 24/7 - TheBook.MuchMoreThanLipstick.com [redirects to https://www.avon.com/brochure?rep=kgelam]


See the newest products from Avon - Many are not in the book - https://www.avon.com/features/new-and-now?rep=kgelam

See online only exclusive items - https://www.avon.com/features/online-exclusives?rep=kgelam. These can be ordered through us as your Avon Ambassadors/reps, however, these are not in the book.

We only send out one email a week. However, we post exciting offers and other info more frequently to our Facebook business page and community group.

Thank you for being a valued customer,

Gregory & Kimberly


To help ensure delivery of emails from us, please add Gregory@MuchMoreThanLipstick.com to your email address book, however, such action is not a guarantee of delivery.
