Two questions for better dinner chats

Jan 16, 2022 1:31 pm


My friend and his wife hosted a “Magical Dinner Series” Thursday with about ten of us.

Sitting down for dinner, they gave two prompts: 

  1.  What’s one thing you’re struggling with? 
  2. What’s one dream you’re putting into reality this year? 

Each person shared both, then the rest of the group offered ideas and ways to help. 

I get why they call it a magic dinner. It was amazing. 

🧠 The First Shopping Cart


Love the backstory behind the first shopping cart. 

🐦 Asking the Right Question?


Great questions have 3 characteristics: 

  1. Provide insight into the actual problem 
  2. Simplify the problem and make it solvable 
  3. Expand the # of ways to solve or improve the problem

Here’s the quick breakdown to save countless hours problem-solving wrong problems. 

🏗️ Build vs Borrow


Our best days are not random.

There's a pattern. 

The current self either BORROWS from or BUILDS to the future self. 

Writing → builds future clarity

Caffeine → borrows future energy

Booze → borrows future happiness 

Here’s how to build more than your borrow

Happy building, 


Ps. Sorry 4 The Wait 🔥
