The Top Priorities of a Modern Renaissance Man

Jul 19, 2020 8:31 pm

How This E-Mail Will Change Your Actions: You will become more conscious of how you spend your time and align your efforts more closely with what matters to you making you more likely to achieve your desired outcomes in life.


Priorities of a Modern Renaissance Man

Priorities are the most important part of Productivity.

It doesn’t matter how good you are at hitting the target, if you are not shooting at the right target you’re never going to get the result you want.

This is a simple exercise I use to make sure I am aiming at the right targets.

Sit down with a blank lined piece of paper.

Write the numbers 1 – 10 down the side of the paper, one number per line.

Spend the next 10-30 minutes writing down the 10 things that are most important to you.

(Do this before continuing to read the E-Mail)


MRM's Top 10 Priorities

Your priorities will likely not be the same as mine, and that's ok, but I've included my Top 10 List year to give you ideas about what may matter to you and so you can see how I think about what is important to me.

  1. Health
  2. Physical Appearance
  3. Physical Performance
  4. Freedom (Financial, Time, Location)
  5. Meaningful Work
  6. Family Legacy
  7. High-Quality Relationship with Friends & Family
  8. Meaningful Relationship with a High-Quality Woman
  9. Sex
  10. Spending time doing things I enjoy

You’ll notice the first 3 are Physical Priorities, the next 3 are Intellectual Priorities, the next 3 are Social Priorities and the last is an Artistic Priority. This follows the system I use to organize my life PISA (Physical, Intellectual, Social, Artistic).

I’ll run through each of these with a short description of why it is important to me.

Health – Health is always and will always be my Number 1. You can have all the money in the world and if you are not healthy it is meaningless because you will be unable to spend it. Health makes making money easier and allows you to more effectively enjoy that money. Health makes friendships and relationships better because you can do fun shit and have better sex. Without excellent health you will always lead a less than optimal life.

Physical Appearance – My Physical Appearance matters to me more than most due to my love of the gym/bodybuilding and perhaps a little bit of vanity. I do everything in my power to be as physically attractive as possible. Your Physical Appearance is your billboard to the world so make sure you are delivering your desired message. Being physically attractive also makes making money and relationships easier. It should not be overlooked.

Physical Performance – Physical Performance also matters to me more than most. I don’t think if there’s a single person who cares if I dead lift 650 lbs, am faster at 30 than I was at 20 and learn how to strike and grapple, but I care. I firmly believe that Socrates was right when he said “It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which is body is capable”.

Freedom (Financial, Time and Location) – When it comes to my Intellectual Life I care about two things – Freedom and Meaning. When I think of Freedom I consider three things – Money Time and Location. Essentially, I want to be able to do what I want, when I want, where I want and with whoever I want. This means that how much money I make, how I make that money and how I spend, save and invest that money is extremely important to me.

Meaningful Work – I’ve been asked how I decide what makes work “meaningful”, but I do not have set rules or guidelines for you, it’s a completely personal answer to a simple question “Is this meaningful to me?” For example, at some point I will likely start a watch company. Will that company be meaningful in the sense that it changes the world? No. But it will be meaningful to me. Personally, I find meaning in having a vision and making it come to life in the physical world. For you, meaning may come from providing a service that helps people make money. Either way, I believe finding meaningful work that makes a lot of money is a solid recipe for intellectual satisfaction.

Family Legacy – I fully intend to create a strong, nuclear family and build a business that will provide for that family well after I am gone as it is passed down to my children and then my children’s children, the beginning of a Dynasty. Nothing else to say here.

Friends & Family – The breadth of my relationships is below average but the depth of my relationships is way above average. I have 5 – 10 friends I could call at any time and know would be there for me 100%. At 27 years old I think this is insane. I consider myself blessed because of this, but I can’t say I didn’t purposefully work towards it.

Woman – It is important to me that I build a long term committed relationship with a high quality woman who I love and who works with me to build an amazing life for our family. Currently this is lower on my priority list as I believe your 20's should be a time to build a physical and financial foundation upon which to build a strong family in your 30's.

Sex – Sex is one of the most physically and emotionally pleasurable activities you can experience as a Man. The connection you develop by having sex with someone you love, someone you care about or even simply someone you vibe with is unparalleled. I try to do it often as I can, while maintaining my standards.

Things I Enjoy – Hobbies, interest, passion projects and other activities are enjoy are important to me. They help me to relax and recover, stimulate my mind and body in new ways and make me and more interest and well rounded person.

The purpose of this list is to remind you of your priorities and where you should be focusing your efforts. It should remove the non-essential so you can focus on what matters. You should look at your list and know that if you continually work towards improving these 10 things you will lead an extremely fulfilling life. If not, keep working on this list until you do.


Reviewing Your Priorities

There is one more step to this process. For the next week, spend 10 minutes at the end of each day analyzing how you spent your time. Do not look at your List of Priorities while doing this.

Then, at the end of the week, compare the two. It will quickly becomes evident how aligned you actions are with your priorities, and what you need to improve.

I suggest doing something like this as part of your weekly routine (on Sunday night for example) or keeping your List of Priorities in a place you see constantly.

You should repeat this exercise at the end of the year, re-writing your List o Priorities. Your list may stay the same. Your list may change, but it will insure you know what your priories are and help guide your actions and effort so you continue to move closer to those desired outcomes.


One Sentence Summary

Align your efforts more closely with your desired outcomes by creating a list of your Top 10 Priorities and focusing solely on those things on your list.
