Job & Career in Denmark with Diana Lund Nordstrøm

If you are looking for information and advice on job search and career in Denmark, then this is the newsletter for you.

When signing up for this e-mail list, I will share with you when I:

  • get my weekly email focussing on mindset, job search and career
  • post new videos on my YouTube channel - Career Network Denmark
  • host network events online or in-person events
  • have great offers on career and job search consulting
  • have other amazing information to share with you about job search and careers in Denmark
  • make interesting interviews related to job search and career development (If you want to be interviewed on a topic, let me know)

This newsletter is free for you to receive, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Some e-mails might contain affiliate links, which, if you buy something from these brands/sites is a great way to support me and my channel, without any extra cost to you.

I look forward to inspiring you, and please let me know if there are any topics related to job search and career that you would like for me to cover. I love to answer your questions.

Have an amazing day, and let's find the next step in your career together.

Remember to confirm your e-mail address, otherwise, you will not get the emails :)

Kind regards

Diana Lund Nordstrøm

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