Master the Art of Interviewing for Podcasting Success!

Aug 06, 2023 4:01 pm



I hop this email finds you well and excited about your podcasting journey! I'm thrilled to announce that I will be conducting a special class on "Mastering Interview Techniques for Podcasting Excellence. " As a passionate podcaster myself, I understand the importance of conducting engaging and informative interviews to captivate your audience and grow your show.

In this interactive class, we will dive deep into the world of podcast interviews, covering a wide range of essential topics, including:

  1. Building rapport with guests: Learn how to establish a strong connection with your interviewees, making them feel comfortable and open to sharing their insights.
  2. Crafting compelling questions: Discover the art of asking thought-provoking questions that elicit meaningful responses and keep your audience hooked.
  3. Active listening and follow-up: Enhance your active listening skills to pick up on cues and create natural follow-up questions, leading to more in-depth discussions.
  4. Handling challenging moments: Gain confidence in handling unexpected situations during interviews, such as awkward silences or difficult answers.
  5. Nurturing authentic conversations: Understand the value of authenticity and how to create genuine, engaging dialogues with your guests.

Date: 6 August 2023

Time: 4:00pm eastern

Duration: 45 Mins, with 15 mins for questions

Location: Youtube watch Here


This class is perfect for both aspiring podcasters looking to start their journey and experienced hosts seeking to refine their interview skills. Regardless of your podcast's niche or format, the techniques covered in this class will significantly elevate the quality of your interviews.

Seats are limited, so I encourage you to reserve your spot early. To secure your attendance, please RSVP by replying to this email with your name and the number of participants you plan to bring.

Please feel free to share this invitation with any fellow podcasters or friends who might be interested in honing their interview techniques for podcasting success.

I can't wait to see you all there and embark on this exciting learning journey together! If you have any questions or require further information, don't hesitate to reach out

Happy podcasting!

Best regards,

Lion Fludd

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