In my experience working with a private OpenShift cluster, we often used "Routes" to provide external access to services within the cluster. However, an intriguing question arose when my colleague asked why we needed to add records to the /etc/hosts/...
Managing environment-specific configurations, such as database URLs, API keys, and log levels, is crucial for deploying applications using Helm charts. In this blog post, we'll explore various approaches to simplify the injection of environment varia...
Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Buckle up because we're about to embark on an electrifying journey into the world of API development. In this blog post, I am thrilled to share my latest mind-blowing achievement (early access) and challenge you to...
In the fast-paced world of technology, startups and big corporations alike encounter distinct challenges and possibilities. From reading Thomas Dohmke's insightful interview on Copilot to engaging in a thought-provoking conversation with a colleague...
Welcome to the exciting world of Kubernetes APIs! If you've ever dived into the Kubernetes universe, you know that API objects are at the heart of everything. But fear not, fellow explorer, I am here to demystify the intricacies of Kubernetes APIs an...
Are you tired of spending hours creating data models for your Strapi content types? JSON Schemas can help simplify the process and save you time and effort. In this post, we'll explore what JSON Schemas are, why they're essential for developers, and...
Deploying applications in Kubernetes can be a complex process, especially for enterprise projects that require zero trust policies, limited ingress and egress traffic, and multiple environments with different clusters. This complexity is compounded b...
When it comes to securing your Kubernetes cluster, there are several best practices that you should implement to protect your applications and data from potential threats. In this blog post, we will discuss three key areas to focus on when securing y...
In today's era, solutions are implemented as cloud-native apps as per defacto and many legacy apps are moving to microservices architecture or at least migrating the monolithic to the cloud as a fat container. For the IT teams, this generates a compl...
Get to Know Kubernetes: The Essential Concepts in Just Two MinutesKubernetes is a buzzword that has been making waves in the world of technology, but for many, it remains a complex and confusing topic. However, it's important to understand the basics...