After Vaxcards......a career in games

May 02, 2024 12:38 am

  1. Welcome and a thanks
  2. Post PhD updates
  3. Course on Tabletop Exercise Game Design
  4. 3 big things


Dearest Vaxcard supporters,

Without you, I would probably still be 9-5ing (or in medicine, 7-6ing) in a hospital. The success of Vaxcards literally changed my career.

I took roles that would be more flexible with creative side-projects, a PhD focused on games and now, with a full-blown business down this path. Like- I have employees now.

You are getting this email from my new home The Long Game Project! Long story short- I am blending my love of games with my academic interest in behaviour change/decision-making to try and improve the way people and organisations make decisions with tools and games such as tabletop exercising.

I, Dan, solemnly promise to show up in your inbox only occasionally and only with interesting stuff that I would want to read myself.

I am perhaps the greatest unsubscribe goblin that ever lived, so I take absolutely no offence to the unsubscribe button. But maybe give us three strikes?

Post PhD updates

So I have had two babies.

One real baby with real milk hangry and never-ending poops. (Being a dad is the greatest). and one creative project, baby. (My little one has the first vaccine coming up this week. I got a 1st ed. unopened pack of Vaxcards set aside to give to them when they might think their dad is cool. Probably in 30 years).

Vaxcards gave me the confidence that doing creative things is great and can have big impact outside of a traditional job. It also hardened my shell in putting myself out there more. People who meet me think I am an extrovert, but people who know me would say I am an introvert with an extrovert exoskeleton. An Exovert. (I am noodling on this concept of The Exovert for an upcoming article). Without that confidence, I would never have pitched a PhD topic involving games. And I would never have leapt into consulting or creating content (telling medical-student-me this would have derived laughter).

I spent the last 18 months designing and running tabletop exercises for organisations to improve decision-making. (Think DnD for pandemics, supply chain crunches and business negotiations). It has been an absolute blast. In short:

  • We have designed over 130 scenarios
  • The Total Market Cap of clients is a mind blowing~$3.4B
  • Our Net Promoter Score is 74.9 (world-class)
  • We Released 7+ tools and kits including a free foundation course on tabletop exercises

We are focusing this next little while on growing the culture of decision-making practice and the use of games and tools for this.

If you are interested in improving decision-making, strategy, tabletop exercising or just game design in general, then we should have some interesting content for you.

3 Big things

If you got this far in the email, then you are showing interest in my ramblings (thanks!). It is a cold dark place wondering who is listening in the wasteland after the 'send to all' button. To alleviate my creative anxiety and give me a +1 to my Exovert shell, please consider doing the following:

  1. Give our course a try. It's free and if you ever wanted to play games at work, this is the best pathway to that.
  2. Check out our Youtube channel. We have some fun stuff in the pipeline.
  3. If someone popped into your head when reading about what we are doing at The Long Game Project.....tell them about it right now! Word of mouth is the best email campaign. And you are our champions.

Again, I am hoping to take you with me on this next phase, because you are a huge part of why I am doing it.

Dr Dan.
