What is an Attitude Signals in Bridge? - with Curt Soloff

Feb 28, 2023 2:01 pm


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Hi ,

I sometimes feel so overwhelmed trying to keep track of the different types of signals. Too often, I become frustrated and/or lazy and end up just forgetting about them! I am so grateful for Curt's simple and effective approach to helping us understand and internalize these powerful tools for communicating with partner on defense.

Last week, Curt taught us about Attitude Signals which are typically used when responding to partner's lead. We can also give our partner information following declarer's leads: In today's video, Curt teaches us about Count Signals.

Different types of defensive signals may be used at different junctures of the same hand. As defenders, we typically give attitude signals on the suits that our side leads, but give count signals on the suits that declarer leads. In particular, accurate count signals are vital when defending a no-trump contract, especially when it comes to knowing how long to wait before taking an ace.

Leave a comment or a question on the Youtube page here: https://youtu.be/HlfxFIFKC2o

Review last week's lesson on Attitude Signals: https://youtu.be/OeC_S81cBdk


Free Lesson Next Week!

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The Active Line of Defense with Curt Soloff

Join live or via replay. Presented on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at Noon, NY time.

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When we go active (or attack, a term used interchangeably), what exactly are we doing? What type of lead do we make, and why are we taking this approach? How do we know that it is best to go active on this particular hand? In short, we are worried about tricks going away if we don't express urgency to take them.


Your partner in learning,

Bajir from Learn Bridge Online


