A bid to wish you a Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays...
Dec 23, 2024 1:01 pm
Dear ,
I was bidding one of those hands when there just didn't seem to be a 'correct' bid to make and it got me thinking about communication in general.
♠J8 ♥AKQJ6 ♦AT8 ♣962 - All Vul. What would you bid?
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Can any bid accurately convey what I want to tell my partner?
Of course, the limited language of bidding isn't a limitation of bridge, it's a feature. It's our challenge to do our best with the limited tools we have. And we must always remember that our partner might also want to tell us more than they are able.
As we celebrate the holidays, we have a few simple, familiar greetings we all rely on. "Happy holidays!" "Merry Christmas!" "Wishing you happiness and health in the new year!" Even when heard in passing on the street, it can help brighten our day. Could it be that in these simple greetings, we can also can hear more than just the literal words?
Perhaps, through these expressions, we sense all of the things we don't or can't say explicitely to each other. It'd be really weird to say to the grocer, "Hey, I suspect you've also faced a bunch of significant challenges this year. I don't know you well, but I hope you're doing okay, feel some joy this week, and have a sense of optimism about the future!"
Yeah, that'd be really strange to actually say. But... isn't that what we are essentially trying to communicate?
I hope you'll forgive me this sentimentality as the year ends. I blame it on all the Christmas songs and maybe the egg nog. But, with your permission, I'd like to take the chance to say, simply and insufficiently...
Happy holidays! Merry Christmas! Wishing you happiness and health in the new year!
I am so grateful for all of you. Thank you for your support & bridge friendship.
Your partner in learning,
Bajir from Learn Bridge Online
PS - In the next newsletter, I'll share how some of how teachers would bid the hand above along with some of your answers (be sure to leave your reasoning with your comment on Facebook or Youtube.)