When to bid following an Unusual 2NT? - with Bridget Rampton
Jun 11, 2024 12:31 pm
Hi, ,
Our RHO bids an Unusual 2NT after partner's opening 1♦ bid. With our nice 6-card spade suit and all the information we have been giving by East's 2NT, what would you do now after East's Unusual 2NT bid?
Is there a more descriptive bid than the Unsual 2NT? It tells one's partner (and one's opponents) almost exactly what our hand must be. Bridget Rampton shares an illustrative hand of just how much information is shared by the Unusual 2NT bid in bridge.
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Build Your Bridge Confidence with Bridget Rampton
We've been having a blast in Bridget's weekly class, recently learning about the Unassuming Cue Bid, Landy, and Jacoby (now available in the class Lesson Library). Bridget has some fun lessons planned for us in the next few weeks. We'd love to have you join us! You can start with a free trial - all are welcome.
Active vs. Passive Leads - Thursday, June 13th
Choosing a great lead is fundamental but even the experts can only get it right about 70% of the time. What do people mean when they refer to "active vs passive" leads?
Putting Pressure on Declarer - Thursday, June 20th
Making declarer's life a misery is your job in defence. The forcing decence is worth understanding!
Fun Declarer Hands - Thursday, June 27th
Sometimes you need to twist your brain when you are declarer. We have some fun brain twisting hands for us to play!
Knowing Your Card Combinations - Thursday, July 4th
Talking through some common card combinations. What should you play and why. If you see these before you encourtner them it will use less brain power at the table.
Any questions about these lessons? Please don't hesitate to respond to this email. I'll be here to help.
Your partner in learning,
Bajir from Learn Bridge Online