Should we keep bidding in a competitive auction if we're all Vulnerable? - with Graeme Tuffnell

Apr 20, 2023 10:11 am


Hi bridge friends,

We have a lovely hand with 13 hcp and a nice shape. But before we get the chance to open the bidding, East jumps in with a 1NT opening.

With our six clubs, we overcall 2♣ but then West bids 2♥. Do we bid again or let them have the contract?

We must decide if we want to defend against 2♥ or try to play the hand ourselves. Our options are: Pass, bid 2♠ or bid 3♣.

What would you do? Cast your vote in a comment here:


We're all vulnerable: should we keep bidding?

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Wishing you all the best.

Your partner in learning,

Bajir from LBO


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