Our tools for hand evaluation with Antara & replay this week's free livestream lessons

Dec 09, 2022 6:21 pm


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Join Anatara Keelor for a review of the tools we can use to evaluate the strength of our bridge hands. Beyond just counting our high card points, what tools and techniques do we have to evaluate what and high high to bid?

This is the first in a short series of free bridge videos about hand evaluation in bridge. Thank you for joining us!

Leave a comment or question: https://youtu.be/l1zrPuzBRJY


Missed our free livestream lessons this week? You can view them here:

imageWatch Replay

Never underlead an ace against a suit contract? Never lead away from a king? When in doubt, lead a trump? We learn these helpful guidelines. Join Curt as we really examine each one, decide whether it is fact or fiction, and play a demo hand illustrating why! Suitable for improver through intermediate players of all bidding systems.


And a free introductory lesson for new players!


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In this first intro lesson, Marla will start from the very beginning: the object of the game, how it is played, the concept of winning tricks and the first look at the power of a trump suit.


What a week! Thank you everyone for your support and for sharing our videos and free lessons with your friends.

Your partner in learning,

Bajir from Learn Bridge Online


