How do you keep track of where the remaining HCP are? - with Graeme Tuffnell
May 03, 2022 6:31 am
Hello, bridge friends ~
A quick question for you... West opens 1NT showing 12-14 HCP. The opening lead comes out and dummy comes down. How do you figure out how many HCP East has?
As declarer or a defender, we have a lot to think about when dummy goes down. What was the bidding? What does that tell us about each of the hidden hands?
It can be tricky to do all this in a short period of time and keep track of it. Any techniques that can help save us time and thinking would be a great.
Graeme has a handy tip to simplify for figuring out the strength of the unseen hands.
How do you keep track of where the remaining high card points are?
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